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    posted a message on Suggestion / Request - modules' linking basics

    Hello everyone.

    I think im not alone in the struggle with learning the new modularity of the Galaxy Editor. After little while of reflection i realised that the biggest problem for me is that i dont know where are actors linked with effects, effects with units, units with models, actors with models etc... I can see them all in this little tree on the left side while im exploring the units in data editor, but i.e. its a totall abstraction for me to i.e. add new actor or new effect to some unit.

    Im a visual kind of fellow, and its hard for me to understund without seeing. SO i thought maybe it would be handy for some amoutn of people, including me, to be able to see such a tutorial of basics about modules linking with some images, examples or best: exercises/tutorials.

    Whats important in such tutorials, is to do the very basics. When some people tyrn to help they tend to flood the asking person with a waves of informations and possibilities which would be awesome if the asking person would know the basics - if he/she dont know th ebasics its a huge waste.

    I hope there is someone willing to do such thing ^^

    Regards Muniek

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Adding "burrow (infestor)" ability to other unit.

    @FahqueL: Go

    Hehe, im not that good with triggers - they are just much easier to understund for me, cause i have learned basics of triggers back in starcraft1 and warcraft3. I just cant find the links people are talking about while discussing actors effects etc... I know there are actors, effects etc, but i dont know the placed where they are linked. Maybe if someone would pepare the tutorial of the links themselfs it would be big help for people of my kind. I think i will even start topic with suggestion abotu this particular thing.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Timer is stuck on "visible"

    @Azzaaer: Go

    Is "Destroy timer" trigger totally bugged and not working?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Adding "burrow (infestor)" ability to other unit.

    @FahqueL: Go

    Thanks a lot for reply :)

    As i thought it will be way to much for my current knowledge of the editor's ways of working (if i would see video of someone doing it, then maybe i would understund) :P But I have made whole burrowing and unburrowing process trough triggers now :P

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Timer is stuck on "visible"


    I have no idea whats im doing wrong... I have created timer, i have a variable for it - timer is working. But i just cannot hide/destroy it :/ Any idea why my timer is invincible?

    Thats how have created it:

            Timer - Create a timer window for timer, with the title "timername", using Remaining time (initially Hidden)
            Timer - Start timer as a One Shot timer that will expire in 20.0 Real Time seconds
            Timer - Show (Last created timer window) for (Player group((Owner of (Triggering unit))))

    And this is how im trying to somehow remove it form player's screen:

            Timer - Destroy (Last created timer window)
            Timer - Hide (Last created timer window) for (All players)

    And it doesnt work! :(

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Adding "burrow (infestor)" ability to other unit.

    Hey guys.

    When i have added that ability to other unit, somethign totally wierd happened... The ability in game have cost of: 50minerals, 150gas and 1 population :D Why such thing happened? Isnt it the cost of infestor unit? Why does it apply to my burrow ability? When i have placed infestor on the map his ability (which is the same as the one at my new unit) is acting normnally (no costs).

    thanks in advance for ny help.

    edit: ahh i found the answer... this ability morphs unit into another unit called burrowed infestor and it have cost values. After dealing with that costs im here with burried infestor and my custom unit on top of it... Anyone know some way to remove the custom unit for the burrow time?

    edit2: Oh boy... Seems it will require to much excessive editor's knowledge for me to achieve the goal of burrow/unburrow abilities for my custom unit :/ It lakcs all the effects and stuff... wtb easier galaxy ediutor version.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trigger apply to all units of type?
    Quote from Reaperguyver: Go

    @torrasqu: Go

    Awsome thanks that worked. Now onto one of my other annoying triggers >.> I think this one is finally 100% done.

    hehe i know the feeling :D I wonder what time it requires for majority to work with this new galaxy editor like with the editors from lets say warcraft :) So many people struggle with almsot every step atm. So good we have SC2Mapster Forums :D

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] All these tutorials for creating new unit are not right.

    @Suterusu1337: Go

    I just find it lacking in this editor, that i cannot i.e. navigate to my unit copy, and there from right click "add actor" etc. Or well... maybe i still dont know how to do such thing :P

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] All these tutorials for creating new unit are not right.

    @Suterusu1337: Go

    damn... my way works perfectly to th moment when you test the unit's attack ability :) It have no effect and no sound. Suterusu's way is flawless so far.
    Anyway guys, do you have any idea how to fix the custom units i have made my way (duplicating unit and checking only actors, withotu effects), so they can have the attack effects without remaking all of them?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Easiest way to make temporary units permanent?

    @Grogian: Go

    thanks a lot.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [data]Why there are only few abilities to choose from...

    @Azzaaer: Go

    ah while you might be still around im gonna ask: How to change their default keybinds to avoid doubled keybinds for custom units?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Easiest way to make temporary units permanent?

    Hey guys.

    Im looking for yoru help in determinating easiest way to make temporary units like infested terrans (that will be coming out of infestor's eggs) permament, or at least to increase their life time.

    Appreciate as always, any help.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [data]Why there are only few abilities to choose from...

    @viridiansky: Go

    ah.. :) alright! now it works :) thanks a lot!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [data]Why there are only few abilities to choose from...

    ...when you add new ability to a unit in galaxy editor's interface? and why most of them begins with "selection"? Why i cannot add i.e. ready ability called "Toss Shredder Grenade (Tychus)" to my custom unit? What needs ot be done to make this possible?

    thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Following camera and high ground displacement problem

    @Azzaaer: Go

    Alright i have found a fix:

    Camera - Turn camera height smoothing Off for player (Picked player)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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