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    posted a message on Following camera and high ground displacement problem


    Here are screenshots that might help you understund what im talking about:


    Unit gets even closer to the south border of the screen when its moving south

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Following camera and high ground displacement problem

    Hey i have a problem...

    When i set some camera to follow a unit (same way that clicking and holding unit's portrait following feature - not the one that changes camera angle), and when the unit enters region that is surrounded by high ground, then camera "adjusts" its Y position to the high ground. Meaning that the camera is a bit to high, and the unit is not in the center anymore - its pain in the ass if there is a zoom and the unit is walking south... You simply see it almost at the border of the screen. IS there a way to make camera have the unit always in center, without changing its position in regard to followed unit?

    I have tryied to play with:                 
    Camera - Turn camera height displacement On/Off for player (Picked player)

    but it doesnt work for this issue.
    Do you have any ideas of how to fix it? :(

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] All these tutorials for creating new unit are not right.


    ok found out that to make working copy of a unit all you have to do is select "duplicate" on the unit and in the new window only select the main tickbox and the actors tickboxes... and done. SO why making all these tutorials so damn long and looking so confusing?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] All these tutorials for creating new unit are not right.

    thansk for relpies. I just got it working... The wierd thing is that in Actor tab i had to change all models to "Marine" instead of "Marine copy". So why copying the model if its not used for actor?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] All these tutorials for creating new unit are not right.


    I have been watching now like 5 or more tutorials how to create new unit, and i have been doing exactly step by step what they said and everything was ok but thje result... on their last step they got complete, working unit and im getting white ball, black ball or nothin.

    The only way i could create a new unit was by "Add object" for unit, actor and model... but then it lacked sounds and portrait animation. So how do i duplicate the unit without getting white ball?

    Im duplicating unit with actors and models selected to copy, then im goign to actor and changing the value of unitname token, then going to "art" tab and changign all models to "marine copy" and still have white ball or nothing appears in the terrain editor when im trying to place th eunit on the map.

    DO you know some tutorials that ARE correct, showing ALL stuff that HAVE to be done to duplicate working unit without white ball?

    Im getting extremale frustrated with their comments on "how easy it is" while their tutorials are nto complete. Everything is easy when you already know how it works.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [trigger]Chat - Any way to disable "to all" chat?

    ...or any other way to make chat communication between player A and player B impossible?

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    posted a message on [Misc]Shaders on "High" - whats the requirements?


    Im workin on map that should.. or rather will need to be played on minimum "High" shader setting. Can you please tell me whats the requirements for "High" shaders in SC2? Is it directx version? shader version on grpahic card? What kind of graphic cards are the worst ones that can run shaders on "High" in SC2?

    thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved][Trigger] Any way to add "Or" function to events in triggers?

    @Azzaaer: Go

    oh nvm... just raslied it works like that by default without any "or" function required :D

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved][Trigger] Any way to add "Or" function to events in triggers?

    It would save so much time to make trigger like:

    -----unit x enters region 1
    -----unit x enters region 2
    -----unit x enters region 3
    and so on...

    Atm the only way is to make 1 trigger for each event?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Problem updating map on sc2mapster.


    I just released smallfix for my map and while i was uploadingh it there was some error, and now when i want to upload this new version im getting error "map has been already uploaded, dont upload same file more than once". So my project is stuck without a file atm.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Camera effects (noise etc) and movement.

    @Azzaaer: Go

    There was noone in the morning able to help me, so i will bump it today's evening :) Maybe i will get lucky.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Featured maps?

    @progammer: Go

    hehe, well we in EU have nothing compared to US. :) We gets only shadows of whats done in US SC2.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Featured maps?

    What is this new feature on battlenet? How do you make your map to have status "featured"?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Camera effects (noise etc) and movement.

    Hey guys.

    Another 2 questions from my bag og questions without bottom:

    1. How to add effects to camera? I mean effects like noise or some colour tint stuff. Is it possible via editor withotu any 3rd party things to import?
    2. Is here a way to remove the habit of cameras to "step" backward while manuevering between 2 points to look at? I would love to have camera position constant while it just adjust its angles to the points i make it look at. Im tired of it going inside other objects that are behind it, and the point is that i dont want it to be in the air without any things behind it to jump over that issue. Is there a way to solve that issue or i will have to jump over it anyway?

    Problem with this camera movement backward is not just becouse of the obstacles that might be behind it, but also about the fact itself that after looking a few times to the left and to the right, the camera position is few "meters" backward... the more it switches between points, the more it moves backwards... This is so damn wrong!

    I figured that i could just refresh the whole sequence of those rotation if i would have some nice noise effect or somethin' to hide the fact of refreshing.

    Or is it bugged? It says that function "make the camera look at point" changes the camera view to look at the point WITHOUT changing the camera's eye postion... and my problem is this very position that is being changed :(

    Thanks in advance

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on condition: variable xx == yy ?

    @MrFizher: Go

    Thanks a lot! That was tiny step for MrFizher and a huge step for Muniek. Finally i got to the point i was dreaming about all the time... at last i have learned how to use these variables!! It opens a whole new dimension for trigger-making for me now! :D


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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