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    posted a message on Combo Arena (Working Title)

    @zenx1: Go

    Nice idea and nice work! :) Looking forward to see it released :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on "Falrinth's The Thing" early beta tests

    Im looking for people in Europe battle net to help me do very first tests of my brand new map before i throw it to public.
    To anyone who dont know the idea of The Thing:
    Its basically survival map where from all players 1 random player becomes the Thing and have to murder all the others. The point is that noone knows who is the Thing untill he make mistake. I have seen requests for such map on EU forums so i decided i will do it. I did not played the original one in SC1 but i have created my own gameplay based on the major concept.

    I need at least 1 person that would like to help me testing - the first tests means more testing and not really playing the map :) I just need to make sure everything works when human players are on the map insetad of me alone with AI. So it would require a bit of patience for me to do the quickfixes and restarting the game.

    All i can offer is my gratitude and credit tho. Unless someone will be willing to cooperate with this project. I could use help of someone very skilled with triggers and even more someone skilled with data editor.

    How do i imagine that tests:
    1. Whenever i see someone from people that will volonteer online, i will invite you for the test
    2. First we will test the very major triggers with thing random selection, mutation into thing, alliances braking.
    3. We will test all the other things like security cameras, spawns, skills etc.
    4. Victory and defeat triggers.
    5. Stress tests against leavers before map loads. - Here we will need more than 2 people tho.
    6. We can discuss balance and ideas.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Alright... so whats wrong with this publishing?

    @piepgras: Go

    Sadly its not any variant :( I have delted my variant and still same problem :(

    edit: ok fixed now... it was somethign with player properties - not sure yet what, but when i reset it to defaults it published succesfully.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Alright... so whats wrong with this publishing?


    I give up... I finally went to the point where my map is ready for beta tests, i have tryied to publish it and got errors each try...

    How can i know whats the problem now? I have never got such errors before.
    Any ideas? :S

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to play soundtracks while browsing them?

    I would lke to set up specific soundtrack for everyone in my map, but its kinda hard to choose whch one when i cannot browse it :/ There is such a nice feature to play the sound while choosing sound to be played by trigger, but there is totally no way to sample the soundtrack while choosign it for the triggers use? :(

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Disabling alerts like "your allies are under attack".

    @EternalWraith: Go

    Thanks and apologies :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Disabling alerts like "your allies are under attack".

    Hey guys.

    Im in desperate need of disabling all these alerts and/or disabling the spacebar feature that moves camera to the last alert position. Any help appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger doing somehting to random, active, human player?

    @Azzaaer: Go

    Ah apropos controllers... to be perfectly sure how they are working:

    1.When you put noone on the slot in lobby and in map's player properties it is set to "user" then when map starts what kind of controller this slot have?
    2.When player leaves during loading screen the slot's controllers changing to none?
    3.When player leaves after the game starts the slot's controllers changing to none?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger doing somehting to random, active, human player?

    @SweetZombieJesus: Go

    Could you show me the sample in map file please? Its hard for me to find all these things in the editor... would be easier to write it myself than to find it there :S

    edit: ahhh found it :) thanks a lot

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger doing somehting to random, active, human player?


    I have tryied to do trigger for random player this way:

    I have variable called example1 with default value 0, and at map start there was trigger:

    Variable - Modify example1: + (Random integer between 1 and ((Number of players in (Active Players)) - 1))

    The "-1" at end was becouse there was also computer player active. Then i had trigger doing this random action to lets say "player (example1)"

    It all seemed cool, but there is possibility that 1 or more of 12 players will i.e. leave during map loading screen and then the trigger may fail... If player no.7 leaves, player no.8 is not becoming player7... so when random integer between 1 and 11 -1 may still result in: 7... and this player slot is not active anymore :/

    Anyone have some idee how make this work without need to have fullhouse at the start of the game? Maybe there is some way to choose number between number of players that are human controlled and active?

    edit: maybe there is a way to just repeat trigger if: player(example1) =/= player from group (active players)?

    Will that work?

    thanks in advance Muniek

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Mindless wandering of monsters?

    @Puged: Go

    Thanks i will play with that today. :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Mindless wandering of monsters?


    I remember there was such trigger in sc1 editor that made units wander pointlessly in random directions - each in different one. I dont remember how it was called, btu it was great. I think there is no other way to achieve such effect... I have tryied kind of issuing orders to patrol to random points on the map but then all units were sent to exactly same "random point". :S I could divide map for smaller regions and send units randomly between them but it would generate heavy performance loss im affraid :S

    DO you know some other way to achieve such mindless wandering of monsters?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on set triggering unit's color to random or toggle between all colors?

    @SBeier: Go

    thanks, i was thinking about same thing, but how do you get this "random integer" part? WHere is it?

    edit: ahhh... "Math" :)

    THanks again. Some ideas about toggling between these lets say 13 colors?

    edit: I will be very thankfull if anyone could assist me with mutating that trigger into somehting like that:

    Unit - Set (Triggering unit) team color to (Current player (Random integer between 1 and [number of active players]) color)


    will that do? Unit - Set (Triggering unit) team color to (Current player (Random integer between 1 and (Number of players in (Active Players))) color)

    btw what means "active players"? Players that have not been defeated yet? Players that have any uni son map? human players?

    edit: ok, "active players" means players that either user or computer are controlling - if user leaves or player did not had set any kind of controll then player is "inactive" :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on set triggering unit's color to random or toggle between all colors?

    How would such trigger look like?

    thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on (Solved) Disabling infestor's infested terrans while burrowed.

    Any ideas? :S I have already deleted the abilities from burrowed infestor unit in data editor - to no avail.

    p.s. i have even tryied hardcoring it trough trigger "disallow tech for player" which normally works perfectly, but here nothign seems to make this unit have no abilities while burrowed... I hate this editor, i hate it so much.

    Posted in: Data
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