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    posted a message on Stop experience from being shared

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I've never used Gameplay Data types, do I have to do anything special to "activate" them or link them to my map somehow after I created one?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Stop experience from being shared

    Added the map if anyone wants to try and solve it :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Stop experience from being shared

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Nothing changes with self:required.

    It seems the experience from the turret jumps to the closest unit, if I have 5 units close to the tower only the closest one gains experience.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Stop experience from being shared

    Hello fellow mapsters!

    I'm working on a map where you have a base that's producing heroes, these heroes move around the map and do heroic deeds and are uncontrollable.

    These units have a veterancy and gain experience every time they do damage (fraction 1), this works perfectly both alone and in groups with other units that have this veterancy.

    There is also a missile turret in the base that protects your buildings, but everytime it shoots the closests unit gains experience for the damaged amount, share radius and fraction are both set to 0 and share filter has heroic: required on it, even though I shouldn't need it.

    I've also tried giving the missile turret its own veterancy with no levels and everything under targets filters and share filters set to excluded. The turret also has experience fractions for all 3 types set to 0.

    Has anyone had this problem before? Been messing with it for a couple of hours and I can't get it to work so now I'm here, begging :)


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Ordering SCV to resume building

    Solved! You can give the unit it's "smart command", the thing it does on a right click by using

    Unit - Order (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering progress unit)) in (Units in idleSCVs owned by player 1, with at most 1)) to (Smart Command targeting (Triggering progress unit)) (Replace Existing Orders)

    You can read my post if you like though ;P

    Hello everybody! :)

    I'm trying to create a map where you control a base but can't directly order your units (think Majesty)

    I've figured out how to drop a barracks that stops its own construction and I can place it anywhere, now I want to order one of my idle SCVs to run over there and resume the construction.

    Here is my lovely little trigger, but I can't figure out what order to give the SCV to make him resume his duties to the emperor.

    Command center places the building, which is halted. Triggering Progress Unit is the Barracks If I give any other order (Move to point etc...) they work correctly, I just don't know what order to give :(

    On Construction


    Unit - Any Unit construction progress is Started

    Unit - Any Unit construction progress is Resumed

    Local Variables


    (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Command Center


    Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to ( Cancel) (Replace Existing Orders)

    Unit - Order (Closest unit to (Position of (Triggering progress unit)) in (Units in idleSCVs owned by player 1, with at most 1)) to (SCV - Build Refinery targeting (Triggering progress unit)) (Replace Existing Orders)

    Thanks in advance


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Clickable button that doesn't do anything

    Think you have to link the button to an ability, to have cooldowns and such.

    Doubt the button even shows if the ability doesn't exist on the unit.

    Just make a dummy ability that doesn't trigger any actions.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Dialog Problems

    @Fuglypump: Go

    Found a way to change the dimensions of the picture!

    You need a fairly large button to hold the mighty Archon :)

    You can also add text anywhere by the picture, so it's pretty much like old school html

    Set the text of the button to:

    <img path="Assets\Textures\btn-unit-protoss-archon.dds" width = "150" height = "150"/>

    A mighty Archon!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dialog Problems

    @Fuglypump: Go

    You need to make the buttons bigger, I found the needed size for the archon button (which is 76 * 76 in the preview) is really 98 * 98, so set the height and width of the buttons to 98 * 98 (if that doesn't work, try bigger) and it should work

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dialog Problems

    did you download the map? it's pretty easy to follow

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dialog Problems

    @SweetZombieJesus: Go

    I'm not setting the image ever, I'm setting the text of the button to an image link

    Guess you didn't reply to me ;P

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dialog Problems

    If you follow this tutorial http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/tutorials/6776-tutorials-triggers-character-hero-selection/#p3 there are some nice tips.

    Seems he sets the text of the button to:

    <img path="Assets\Textures\wireframe-terran-scientist01.dds"/>

    Pilot Hero

    Which will insert the image into the button.

    Blizzard uses some scriptlanguage similar to html, which makes you able to mix text and images in button objects.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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