i want to make this minimap round, and hide four cornors. however, only static minimap can be made round in my ability.
can you give me some suggestions?
thank you very much, i've solve the bug, maybe it is different.. save the below into 123.reg and import to the regsiter.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II Editor\Windows]
"List View Columns - Trigger Editor - Element Selection"=-
i've the same bug with you.
yesterday i used an action named "wait until meeting requirements", then it crashed. i couldn't save my map, afterwards i couldn't open starcraftii.
when i opend editor again, it couldn't load trigger action list.
today i reinstalled starcraftii, but it still happened.
so i think it must be crashed files or bad registries that caused the bug, but i really don't know how to solve it.
I've create a movable minimap dialogitem which can move following a unit. here's the code:
ui_minimap TriggerAddEventTimePeriodic(0.1,c_timeGame) PickEachInteger(1,player_count) actions SetVariable(pos_minimap[player_num[(IntLoopCurrent())]],(world_to_ui((UnitGetPosition(unit[player_num[(IntLoopCurrent())]])),minimap_length))) DialogControlSetPosition(component_minimap,(PlayerGroupSingle(player_num[(IntLoopCurrent())])),c_anchorTopLeft,(FixedToInt((PointGetX(pos_minimap[player_num[(IntLoopCurrent())]])))),(FixedToInt((PointGetY(pos_minimap[player_num[(IntLoopCurrent())]])))))
ui_minimap SetVariable(minimap_length,2560.0) DialogControlCreateFromTemplate(dlg_minimap,c_triggerControlTypePanel,MinimapPanel/MinimapPanelTemplate) SetVariable(component_minimap,(DialogControlLastCreated())) DialogControlSetSize(component_minimap,(PlayerGroupAll()),(FixedToInt(minimap_length)),(FixedToInt(minimap_length))) CreateDialogItemImage(dlg_minimap,320,320,c_anchorTopLeft,0,0,Param/Value/217A01B0,minimap.dds,c_triggerImageTypeNormal,true,Color(100,100,100),c_triggerBlendModeNormal) TriggerEnable(ui_minimap,true)
world_to_ui return:point references: pos_world = null <point> length = 0.0 <fixed> pos = null <point> SetVariable(pos,(Point((ArithmeticReal((ArithmeticReal((PointGetX(pos_world)),*,(ArithmeticReal(length,/,-256.0)))),+,160.0)),(ArithmeticReal((ArithmeticReal((PointGetY(pos_world)),*,(ArithmeticReal(length,/,256.0)))),+,(ArithmeticReal(160.0,-,length))))))) Return(pos)
set_game_ui HideGameUI(false,(PlayerGroupAll())) UISetFrameVisible((PlayerGroupAll()),c_syncFrameTypeMinimapPanel,true) DialogCreate(320,320,c_anchorTopRight,20,20,false) SetVariable(dlg_minimap,(DialogLastCreated())) DialogSetImageVisible(dlg_minimap,false) DialogSetVisible((DialogLastCreated()),(PlayerGroupAll()),true) ui_minimap()
i want to make this minimap round, and hide four cornors. however, only static minimap can be made round in my ability. can you give me some suggestions?
@Mille25: Go
thank you very much, i've solve the bug, maybe it is different.. save the below into 123.reg and import to the regsiter.
--------------Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II Editor\Windows]
"List View Columns - Trigger Editor - Element Selection"=-
i've the same bug with you. yesterday i used an action named "wait until meeting requirements", then it crashed. i couldn't save my map, afterwards i couldn't open starcraftii. when i opend editor again, it couldn't load trigger action list. today i reinstalled starcraftii, but it still happened. so i think it must be crashed files or bad registries that caused the bug, but i really don't know how to solve it.
maybe i should reinstall system.