I will update prize pool as soon as possible (up to 50 € + a couple of Steam keys).
If someone wants to donate something, feel free to contact me!
Tournament Information:
Mode: Bo3
Preset Startmap + Loser choice
4P Total Temple
4P Hierarchy
4P Rivalry
4P River of Flames
Settings Lobby:
Metal: 1000
Energy: 1000
commander death: ends game
Location: Random
LOS: True
Map: Mapped
Gamespeed: 0
Additional Rules:
- all players have to record the games and the winner has to upload the replays
- all players need the ND "NoDraw" addon for Total Annihilation Zero (it prevents draw situations)
- in case of a draw or disconnect the game has to be replayed, except the players can agree on a clear winner
- in any case of disagreement or other problems contact me (TaShadan; Gameranger ID:636237)
- all games have to be played on Gameranger and all players Gameranger IDs have to be provided to me
- only maps in the mappool are allowed
- any hacking or cheating results in a disqualification
Important information:
Keep in mind that this game is still in late alpha stage which means there might be bugs.
One example is the false message "player X is cheating" at start of a game!
Very interesting. I am actually thinking about porting my WC3 mod "Warcraft 2.5" to the sc2 engine. It is not possible to create naval battles in the sc2 engine yet is it?
Welcome RTS Fans to the first Total Annihilation Zero ND Tournament.
Zero is a fast paced mod for TA with totally new graphics and controls. Plus a third faction called GoK. For further information you can check out the following pages: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/games/428156-total-annihilation-zero
http://zero.tauniverse.com/ (outdated)
For gameplay videos check out my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIGJ_Jt1C7W0MU5RHn2h10w
You can download the current Zero ND Standalone here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b8727ymz5f6sea8/TA%20Zero%20ND%20Tournament.zip?dl=0
You are interested in checking out this awesome RTS gem and play a tournament?
Sign up here!
I will update prize pool as soon as possible (up to 50 € + a couple of Steam keys). If someone wants to donate something, feel free to contact me!
Tournament Information:
Mode: Bo3
Preset Startmap + Loser choice
4P Total Temple
4P Hierarchy
4P Rivalry
4P River of Flames
Settings Lobby:
Metal: 1000 Energy: 1000 commander death: ends game Location: Random LOS: True Map: Mapped Gamespeed: 0
Additional Rules:
- all players have to record the games and the winner has to upload the replays
- all players need the ND "NoDraw" addon for Total Annihilation Zero (it prevents draw situations)
- in case of a draw or disconnect the game has to be replayed, except the players can agree on a clear winner
- in any case of disagreement or other problems contact me (TaShadan; Gameranger ID:636237)
- all games have to be played on Gameranger and all players Gameranger IDs have to be provided to me
- only maps in the mappool are allowed
- any hacking or cheating results in a disqualification
Important information:
Keep in mind that this game is still in late alpha stage which means there might be bugs. One example is the false message "player X is cheating" at start of a game!
Yes. So?
And again a bunch of new videos:
Total Annihilation on gog sale for €1.39! http://www.gog.com/game/total_anihilation_commander_pack
Buy it and download Total Annihilation Zero afterwards :p
It has been a while but i uploaded a new video on youtube (replay again):
Medstflow vs Masterakady (ARM vs CORE) Medstflows view: I am still working on Masterakadys view.
The game was played with a new development version Alpha 4.10022015. I already integrated the new version to the standalone download on post #1.
When will you release the mage and your other models?
WC2 is awesome. Too bad noone is reworking human balance to be a viable faction.
I thought because of not being a sc2 project, offtopic would be the proper place?
Due to having a really bad upload in my new flat it took a while to upload those... Two vods of one and the same game (recorded replay): Vohs view: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J62UnooXJ3g&list=UUIGJ_Jt1C7W0MU5RHn2h10w[/url] My view: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b1bYImRtEE&list=UUIGJ_Jt1C7W0MU5RHn2h10w[/url]
Not the best game we played (both playing their worst faction with lots of unspent metal :p), still fun though.
Triceron you are awesome! When will your officially release your new stuff?
Very interesting. I am actually thinking about porting my WC3 mod "Warcraft 2.5" to the sc2 engine. It is not possible to create naval battles in the sc2 engine yet is it?
Major update of post #1!
New ARM vs GoK match on 4P River of Flames uploaded (1080p):
@Charysmatic: Go
I meant my mapping approaches were crappy. BW is the best RTS ever (in my oppinion), i played it for several years.
I like the wolf :) A WC1 wolve raider would be awesome :D