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    posted a message on (Solved) Exp gaining problem

    I can try, but triggers are a nightmare for me, I avoid them as much as possible 3:. I may not be precise at 100%, but with what I'll explain you, you should be fine to try and make interesting things ...

    You have 3 parts in a trigger (4 I think, but I never used the other one) :

    - The main event (the orange flag) : That represents the action that has to occur for the trigger to fire.

    - The condition (the green arrow) : Conditions that has to be true for the action to fire after the main event occurs.

    - The action (the little green movie-theater like icon) : Action that is made when the main event occurs, and that the condition equals true.

    So for exemple, if you want to tint a unit in blue when she attacks : You will create a new event, and look for a trigger associated with the word (attack), and you will find something like "Unit X attacks", or maybe "Unit X uses ability X". Let's say you want only a specific unit to have this blue-thing, in the "Unit X" field, you will set the little blue circle to unit (so only a specific unit is selected), and you will choose your specific unit from all of the units listed. After that, in the "ability X" field, you will set it "attack".

    Ok, so now we have an event that fires when your specific unit attacks, but nothing special happens then.

    Now go in actions, right-click, and make a new action, and look for something with "tint" in it. Let's say you find "Set Unit's X tint color to X colour" (I don't have the editor atm, so sorry if it's not accurate). Again, set the field "Unit X" to your specific unit, and the "X colour" to blue.

    Now you have done your trigger.

    You will see that it's a lot about searching the good triggers, modifying correctly the good fields. I know that may seem complicated, but if you need more help rewrite in this thread or PM me.

    Note : All the X I wrote are not in the editor, it's just to indicate the this field can be changed (it has a colored link).

    Note 2: If you wanted ALL of your units to have the blue colour when they attack, instead of going with "Units" ==> Selecting precise unit, in the "Unit X" field of the action and the main event, you would click on the little "Trigger" dot, and set it to "Units controled by Player X" or any other triggers. When you use the trigger field, it's often to apply the event to many units that share a specific characteristic.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Exp gaining problem

    I think that's the only way to solve the XP problem. But is that trigger really important to you ? I created different maps, and I never used that trigger. If you want victory/defeat conditions, you can set them yourself with other triggers.

    Posted in: Data
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