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    posted a message on Help!

    Sorry :x

    I already asked the people of the IRC earlier, and have found a way to create rounds. Thank you for you help however. ^_^

    Also, I have played Photon Cycles before with friends, and know of the rounds system, I just couldn't find a map file.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Help!

    Thank you.

    Also, does the action "Restart Game for all players", redo the actions under the event "Map initialization"?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Help!

    Thanks, how do I have a team win when it reaches a certain score though?

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    posted a message on Help!

    @houndofbaskerville: Go

    Where can I download the sc2map file for photon cycles?

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    posted a message on Help!

    Can you link me to a tutorial on how? :x

    Or any other way to help me make that? D:

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    posted a message on Help!

    Anyone? D:

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    posted a message on Help!

    It isn't a tower defense map, by rounds I mean, for example, the game starts, and team 1 wins, they only win round 1, and the game goes to round 2, but with a score of 1-0 with the exact same game again, and let's say team 2 wins that game, then it will go to round 3, but with a score of 1-1, and it continues until...let's say a team get's to 10 wins, then the game ends, and the team with 10 wins is the winner. And for the upgrades, I wanted each player to receive 100 minerals at the end of each round, and each upgrade would cost 50 or 100 minerals each.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Help!

    I've had an idea to make an arcade map for a while, but only just now got around to making it. However, I've been constantly running into many problems, and with some help, I was able to solve. Now, I've searched many sites, forums, etc., but I cannot find a tutorial to create multiple "rounds" to a single game, or an upgrades menu system at the end of every round.

    I'm sure there are experienced people here, and thus I am asking if anyone can tell me how.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Multiple Dialog Buttons

    @SoulTaker916: Go

    I changed the condition to used Dialog Item == Viariable A

    So it should be easier now ^^

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Multiple Dialog Buttons

    What conditions and actions am I supposed to put in the Dialog Item Used trigger?

    EDIT: I realized that I already had 2 of those triggers and didn't notice it...

    In Conditions I put:

    Within Bounds - 0 <= 1 <= 1

    In Actions I put:

    Dialog - Destroy (Dialog containing (Used dialog item))

    Unit - Create 4 Zealot for player 1 at Point 001 using default facing (No Options)

    And the other one was:


    2 <= 3 <= 3


    Dialog - Destroy (Dialog containing (Used dialog item))

    Unit - Create 3 Stalker for player 1 at Point 001 using default facing (No Options)

    When I tested the map I was able to create Zealots, but when I tried to create Stalkers, it still made Zealots.

    EDIT 2: After I changed Variable A and B to Dialog Item, both buttons create 4 Zealots and 3 Stalkers again...

    EDIT 3: I got it to work after finding General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions) I suppose I am bad at finding things... Thanks for everyone's help!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Multiple Dialog Buttons

    How do I find "(Last created dialog item)" in the Set Variable A = ?

    And what is "dialog item used" and how do I find it?

    Sorry if I seem extremely bad at using the map editor.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Multiple Dialog Buttons

    Hi. I've recently learned to create dialogs and dialog items. I created a dialog button that spawns 4 Zealots when clicked, and destroys the dialog. Now I've been trying to create multiple buttons for that dialog, such as one that spawns 3 Stalkers when clicked, and destroying the dialog as well. The problem is that when I try to test the map, both buttons spawn the stalker and the zealot, instead of just one, and it shows this error:

    Scri: Trigger Error in 'gt_ZealotSpawn1_Func': Could not get 'triggerControl' from parameter in 'DialogControlGetDialog' (value:2)? Near line 113 in gt_ZealotSpawn1_Func() in MapScript.galaxy

    Can anyone help me with this?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Lag Issues

    I deleted all triggers except the default "Start Melee" ones. It still lags the same.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Lag Issues

    I'm sorry if this is not the correct place to post this, but I am new to these forums. I created a custom map, it's not anything special, but simply a melee map with 8 players. However, when me and my friends tested it out, we have lots of lag issues. At the start of the game, everything was fine, but as the game went on, I started to receive under 1 FPS. I tried turning the settings down all the way to low, but it wasn't working. I know it's not my computer's fault, since I can play normal 4v4s just fine, and my friends were also having lag, although not as much. If anyone knows what the problem is, please respond.

    Posted in: General Chat
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