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    posted a message on One harvest animation per resource

    Yes, of course. It is my own model, after all ;)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on One harvest animation per resource


    I've created a custom worker model and custom resource models (one for stone and one for lumber). Now I want my worker to play different harvest animations for stone and lumber. Is there a way to do this (at least a work-around, maybe)?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making alpha textures invisible

    Hi guys,

    I'm using the M3 Exporter addon for Blender to create a tree model. For the leafs, I created square polygons and now I'm trying to give them a leaf texture. This texture (obviously) makes use of alpha so that the leafs don't look like squares. However, I was not able to make the alpha part of the leaf texture invisible ingame, instead, it is either tinted in team color or just black.

    So how can I make the alpha channel invisible?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Letting a missile stick in the armor

    Hi guys,

    I recently modelled an archer and everything works fine except that I cannot make the arrows stick in the target's armor when hit. I've used the "Attack" actor's field "Impact Map" to create an arrow model at the target. However, this model is badly orientated (the orientation seems to be completely random). It doesn't matter whether the target is one of my models or one of Blizzard's, so the target model seems not to be the issue.

    Can anyone help? Probably, "Impact Map" is not the right choice here. How can I configure this?

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Data
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