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    posted a message on Adding Knockback to Melee Attacks

    @Photoloss: Go

    The knockback effect is an Apply Force effect called periodically (again, same as in the "Trigger Free Leap" post if anyone wants to look it up.) The weirdest problem to me is the target always getting knocked southward by Dehaka's attack. (Anyone know why that is? Perhaps only projectiles and radius effects cause direction-specific knockback?)

    As for the stuff on animations....starting to feel a bit out of my depth here. I'll go read some actor tutorials. Thanks for the help!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adding Knockback to Melee Attacks

    Hello again,

    As any of you who have read my few previous questions (or looked at my post count) can probably guess, I’m new at this data editing stuff. I’m trying to make a small Super Smash Brothers-esque game where the goal is to knock the other player’s character out of the arena. For the concept to work, I need melee attacks to knock targeted units back in the direction the attacking character is facing.

    To get started, I picked one of the characters who will eventually be in the finished map, Dehaka, and gave his Claws weapon a simple knockback effect (it’s the one in the “Trigger Free Leap” tutorial, minus the “Leap Impact Search” part.) As it stands, the setup has three major problems:

    1. No matter what direction Dehaka or the target unit is facing, the target unit is always sent flying in the same direction: south. I have no idea why.

    2. Units play their movement animation as they fly through the air, resulting in a “wire-fu” effect which is sort of awesome (see “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,”) but not what I need, which is for there to be no animation at all. Or, even better, if someone knows a way to have live units go ragdoll during knockback I will love you forever.

    3. After landing, units automatically run back to wherever they were when they got hit. This is definitely no good for a fighting game. I need the units to simply remain where they are after getting up. Emberflare asked about the same problem (post title: “After knockback, unit runs back”) but I don’t think it’s been solved.

    Finally, this is only tangentially related, but I was trying to test out the Hybrid (Zhakul’das) ability Psionic Shockwave to learn more about knockback, and it just isn’t working for me. The ability is there and the animation goes off fine, but no units are knocked back. All I changed about the Zhakul’das unit in the editor was its race (to Zerg, so Player One could control it) and the allowed targets for Psionic Shockwave (added Neutral and Ally.) Weird.

    So, to sum up, it’s a long way from Street Fighter 4 at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated; anyone who helps out answering my stupid questions will receive a credit in the final map! Thanks for your time.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Why Does Kerrigan-K5 Appear as Ghost Kerrigan?

    @Photoloss: Go

    Well, now I just feel silly. I will remember that.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Why Does Kerrigan-K5 Appear as Ghost Kerrigan?

    @ Photoloss,

    That is strange. Blizzard just loves confusing us, I guess.

    @ ToLau,

    So you're right, Infested Kerrigan (and her voice) is in fact a Tech Tree upgrade, not a unit. Add that one to the growing column of Stuff That Doesn't Make Sense. Anyway, implemented your solution and everything works fine now. Thanks!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Why Does Kerrigan-K5 Appear as Ghost Kerrigan?

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to make a new hero based on Kerrigan, but I've run into a weird problem. When I place the Kerrigan-K5 unit in the Editor, she shows up as the Queen of Blades, but when I test the map the unit is suddenly Ghost Kerrigan instead of the Zerg version. Oddly enough, her abilities work fine (except for stuff like Leaping Strike lacking the proper actors of course.) Anyone know what to do about this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to Preview Soundtrack Music in the Editor? (SOLVED)

    @ Telthalion,

    Hey, thanks a lot! Wouldn't have figured out that one by myself in a million years. Thread over.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to Preview Soundtrack Music in the Editor? (SOLVED)

    Hi all,

    Just joined up, hence the following total noob question: Is there any way to play the soundtrack music in the editor without whipping up a trigger and testing a map?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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