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    posted a message on Vector Targeting

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Isn't that correct forum etiquette? Search so you don't repost? =D

    I'm starting to use triggers but I can't select unit with out terrain. Even when I do it seems it's only for that specific unit. Not all nexus or pylons.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Vector Targeting

    I would love some advice on this. I'm making a spell for the sentry that is pretty much a copy of minus the damage.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Power Field Display

    Okay I got SOMEWHERE. It looks like the events are based off when the behavior is created.

    This means that while I can fix what power fields display when warping in, I cannot fix what power fields are displayed when selected. At the very least It means I can't do this from the events. I think I'm gonna continue trying.

    But for now, I think have to edit when the behavior is created.

    EDIT: Yup. I can't do anything from the actors events. I tried setting it so that it creates when the abilities protoss build, and warp train. And it worked! But it created the actor on the unit with the ability not the pylons, nexus, or warpprism. ROFL

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Power Field Display

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I've been working on this all day. Nothing is working. I'm starting to get real pissed. I'ma take a fucking break from this bullshit. :/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Power Field Display

    Team Liquid Thread: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=388698

    I'm making a melee mod where there are 3 different levels of power field. To build structures you need a minimum of level 1. To warp in Gateway units, level 2. To warp in Robo and Startgate units, level 3. Pylons only provide level 1 until you get an upgrade from the Templar Archives and then is as a level 2. The nexus provides a level 3 from the start.

    I think you can see how this is a problem. When ever you wanna build a probe or chrono boost your frame rate goes from 60 to 2. =D On top of that every time you wanna warp in and you don't have the pylon upgrade it still displays the pylons power field. Even tho you can't do anything on it.

    Here's what I know: The behavior for the power field is named Power Source. It uses the actors Power and PowerLow. These actors use the actors PowerVisual, UnpoweredVisual, PowerVisualLow, and UnpoweredVisualLow for the visuals.

    I can't find anything in any of these actors for when to display the visuals.

    The Power User and Warping In behaviors all use a power link string(?) to link to the power source. I tried separating all this into 3 different power links and thus 2 (3 for the nexus) different power sources. 1 for building, 2 for warpgate, 3 for robo stargate. But this doesn't solve the nexus selection problem, in fact it makes it worse because the nexus now has 3 power power field layered on top of each other for no reason. =( It doesn't even solve the problem with warp in. When you warp in all the power field models disappear and you are left to scrolling around your mouse to find where you can warp in.

    I'm completely lost. I've searched the many seas of the internet and have come short. Any help would be greatly appreciated. <3

    PS: I also know that the events tab of the power actor is not that helpful. I tried adding a selected term in the destroy event. Didn't work. =(

    Posted in: Data
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