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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Information Thread

    Lol I only wish this whole project to create a new race was for our project...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Darkness in Darkshire
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    Overall it's pretty cool, but I feel like you have the tendency to clutter your terrain too much? There's always stuff all over the place. I reckon you can make your Warcraft terrains better if you add a little less... stuff, and spread things out a bit more.

    You know, even for an RPG, I think you have a point. If I really wanted to make these playable, I think I would spread everything out just a little bit and add more grass doodads.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Darkness in Darkshire

    So I was playing with my library again and I decided to make a scenery setting that's a little more spooky. :P I know these pictures don't have much use, but I seem to be addicted to making Warcraft-styled terrains. Anyway tell me what you think of these shots of a mysteriously "dead" town.



    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [Model] How-to: Convert .WMO files to .M3 (Importing Structures from WoW to SC2) [Advanced]
    Quote from jaxter184: Go

    I have neither 3ds max nor photoshop.... Someone needs to make an art asset for this with a whole bunch of buildings in it

    I'm already starting one :P

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Model] How-to: Convert .WMO files to .M3 (Importing Structures from WoW to SC2) [Advanced]

    @Saeris: Go

    Thanks for the tutorial man, gl on your projects!

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Warcraft UI

    @jaxter184: Go

    thanks man

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on A little spot in Elwynn
    Quote from OneTwoSC: Go

    @Terminator8: Go

    Pretty damn cool... perhaps a bit busy for an overhead game though. Would probably look awesome in 3rd person though.

    I have a habit to tend to clutter things up with detail :P I guess I'm always thinking from a RPG point of view. But yes I can definitely make this playable as an RTS-style game.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on A little spot in Elwynn

    Hey guys! So I was playing around in the editor and I decided to make a few screenshots with only WoW models. After playing with sizing and light, I think they look presentable. Tell me what you guys think; what can I do to improve on them? Criticism is always welcome as long as it is constructive.

    Rainy Day

    Early Morning

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Warcraft UI

    nah, it needs to have the exact same functionality as Warcraft 3

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Warcraft UI

    Hey guys, so I was looking to make a custom layout that mimics the one to Warcraft III. I think, however I'll need some help in order to pull this off.

    What I'm aiming for is something that looks completely like Warcraft three's. Both on the Top (with a space for the Day/Night cycle) and the bottom, with the portrait moved, Minimap with the buttons to the right of it, an item panel on the right (right next to the ability command card), everything.

    It seems like a big thing and it's a little overwhelming so if I could get some help on where to start, how to accomplish parts of this, or even a little help in actually doing it. I'd be eternally grateful.

    here are some pics just so people know exactly what I'm talking about:

    Example 1

    Example 2

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Custom Inventory Tutorial - 6 Slots, always open

    Screen shots?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Warcraft: A New Dawn Recruitment


    You can also post here if you would like.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Wow Style Dungeon Map

    @DarlD: Go

    Hey DarlD, Since you are interested in making WoW styled dungeons, I'd like to inform you that a team is currently at work making a huge Warcraft Conversion mod. Basically, we want to create a Warcraft Game, and release the mod files when we're done so that others can more easily make Warcraft-styled maps. Therefore, I believe that your plan of making instance or dungeon-styled maps could be incorporated into our game quite nicely. Perhaps joining together would make both our dreams come true?

    Anyway if you are interested please visit here.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Warcraft: A New Dawn Recruitment

    Warcraft: A New Dawn

    About the Team

    The group behind the Warcraft conversion mod Warcraft: A New Dawn is in need of more members to increase production speed. We are a group of extremely passionate and relaxed individuals who want to make a mark on the Sc2 community by not only producing a complete and exceptional game, but to also allow other modders to use our Warcraft Mod as the basis for more Warcraft-styled maps in the future. We are essentially looking to build an entirely new modding community for Starcraft based around the theme and passion that Warcraft III had. Although we are not a strict and "business-like" group, we do have standards, and require our members to stay focused, but have fun. We want to enjoy the experience of making the mod as much as players will enjoy playing it.

    About the Project

    Warcraft: A New Dawn is an ambitious project that will (hopefully) bring Warcraft modding to the Sc2 community. The goal is to create a new Warcraft game (essentially a Warcraft IV) using the amazing graphics and functionality of the Sc2 editor. This project will essentially be split into two parts: a Campaign Part and Melee Part . Both are being worked on simultaneously, however we expect the melee portion to be completed quicker.

    • Campaign The campaign part of this project will be an ongoing task to create an entire Warcraft game in a similar style to Warcraft III. Since the campaign starts right after the frozen throne, the first half will be devoted mainly to retelling the core events from World of Warcraft ending at Wrath of the Lich King. (Please Note that certain parts of WoW lore will be ignored and we may add some things in during the first half as well. It will still be an exciting campaign and not just a boring recap) The second portion of our campaign will be new lore created from a fan base, yet still connected to traditional Warcraft Lore.
    • Melee The melee portion will be our multiplayer part of the project. It will include several Warcraft-style melee maps, have the same resources, same feel, and play style as Warcraft games. In addition, we will be modifying/removing some units and adding brand new ones like the new Kodo unit for the horde that can be equipped with different "addons" like the war drums, or the demolisher catapult. The plan is to first release melee gameplay with two fully completed races: the Orcs (Horde) and the Humans (Theramore Alliance). After those races are done, we will begin working on the Undead (most likely the Forsaken) and the Night Elves (the remaining forces of the Sentinels). Once those are completed we will continue to release two brand new races: the Illidari (featuring the outcast races that joined Illidan in his fight against the Lich King) and the Burning Legion (featuring a wide variety of the cool demonic units). Both of these races will feature new and completely unique mechanics. However, these two races will not be developed for some time, and it's a long way down the road. Melee gameplay will undergo constant balancing, and later on we will be looking for professional game testers who are knowledgeable in balancing.

    What We Need

    Currently, we are in need of many skilled individuals in almost all fields. Be it art, data, triggering, or terrain. Below is a more detailed list of what we need and what requirements are expected for each role.

    • Data Editors Must have decent to advanced experience in the data editor, and be able to create interesting and unique spells/abilities from scratch. In addition, we will be stripping most of the core features of the default Sc2 (like stats, ui, armor, creature types, etc.) and they must be rebuilt from scratch. It is preferred if the data editor can work well with other people's work and easily jump on board and get to work :).
    • 3D Modelers Perhaps one of the most needed and important job is our 3D Modelers. Due to the fact that this mod cannot use any of the futuristic models available in Startcraft 2, we are forced to either make our own, or rip them from World of Warcraft. Currently, most unit models are WoW rips, and they will work splendidly for a while. However, building models are the biggest problem as it is difficult to extract World of Warcraft structures (since they are .wmo files, we have to to some funky stuff to get them to work properly). However, all of these WoW structures are not animated. Therefore, most, if not all, or our modelers need to be focused on creating animated structures based on the Warcraft III ones. If you would like to apply as a modeler, be prepared to be working on a lot of buildings first, and then units later on.
    • Triggerers We are always looking for exceptional triggerers who can create and copy several trigger-based things like character saving into the maps, create missions and quest conservations, and interesting RPG elements. Knowledge of Galaxy script is not necessary, but would be extremely beneficial.
    • Terrainers Although we have two great terrainers at the moment, we are always looking for special terrainers out there who are experienced in making unique, intricate, and professional-looking maps. Due to the fact that this mod will feature campaigns and a melee mode, we are looking for both RPG-styled terrainers and melee map creators. NOTE: For melee map creators, we are looking for people who can create interesting WARCRAFT styled melee maps NOT Sc2 melee maps. If you would like to apply as a terrainer, please submit some kind of example of your work (it can be starcraft themed).

    How to Apply

    If you would like to apply for a spot on the team, please don't hesitate to send a PM to either myself or Roar_Man and leave a response here. In your PM please include the following:

    • Role(s) you wish to apply for: Can be one or multiple
    • Description: Brief description of experience/past projects or anything to display why you think you are right for this project.
    • Skype Name: We use skype and a website to keep track of progress/jobs.
    • Where you live: just general location, like U.S. West Coast, England, Romania, etc..
    • Any other information you want to add:

    Thank you all for your time and stay posted for more updates (hopefully soon).

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Artist Looking for Work

    @jaxter184: Go

    We would love some Warcraft-themed loading screens and icons for our conversion mod. If you are interested in possibly making some art assets for us please send me a PM for more detail. You contributions will be credited and appreciated greatly. Currently we are looking for concept art, mainly for human units like priests, knights, paladins, etc. We also need loading screens that have a generic Warcraft theme and are slightly zone based.

    For example, a loading screen portraying Theramoore Isle .

    again, if you would like more information please PM. Thank you very much for your time!

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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