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    posted a message on Compressing TGAs
    Quote from Triceron: Go

    @Terminator8: Go

    If you have that many models and that many textures attached... How exactly are you going to publish that O_o

    they are split up into multiple .mod files that can be used as model libraries. basically you can choose which theme your map is going to be (like desert, forest, snowy, tropical, etc..) and then pick the corresponding .mod file with the same theme.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Compressing TGAs

    Ditto with the exception that .TGA can use RLE compression. Its not very efficient though and converting to .DDS is much better. In many cases reducing resolution/dimensions can be perfectly acceptable. IE, 512x512 normal maps for terrain with 1024x1024 diffuse. Also, if a channel is not needed, make sure it is black. IE, leaving duplicate image info in all three of RGB when you only need it in the green channel triples the file size.

    Well I need the solution to be something I can do in batch, because I have over 4,360 .tgas to compress. How can I use RLE compression? I looked at it a little but I don't think it is readable after? Idk honestly lol.


    Btw, why the reluctance to use .DDS? do you simply not have the ability to save into or work with it?

    When I convert all the .TGAs to .DDS, the texture paths are lost. And there is no way I'm going into 3DS Max and reapplying .DDS textures to over 1,765 (and counting) models.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Compressing TGAs

    @Terminator8: Go

    Really? No one? Bump

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #45: Haunted Forest

    I made a spooky Forest-type picture with WoW models a while back.



    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Compressing TGAs

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone out there knew a way to compress several TGA files to reduce the file size. Losing some quality is okay, but I just really want to find a way to get the image file size down without converting to .DDS


    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Chronicles of Azeroth needs you!

    Are those WoW structures? or wc3 I can't tell

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Darkness in Darkshire
    Quote from Gorandor: Go

    @Terminator8: Go He is talking to me and he is probably talking about this stuff: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/terrain/23900-so-i-was-fishing-me-some-zerg-the-other-day/

    Why the hell he would do this in your thread... I have no fucking clue ~

    That, sir, really inspired me to make a Warcraft RPG in that sort of camera view.. that really is pretty epic.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Warcraft: A New Dawn Recruitment
    Quote from ricklypop: Go

    If This is going to be a RPG I could applie a respawn sytem for all dieing monsters that t he player kills and possbliy figure out a camra simlar to WOW I also Have a libray alredy built that i can slide over to your map. Im not VERY advanced but I learn quickly and could add lots of resource to the project, The libray is a save sytem BTW

    As stated in the main post, this project will be split into two parts: a Melee portion (like wc3 multiplayer) and a campaign. The campaign may have several RPG aspects, but it will not be like WoW (so it will have an RTS camera).

    Still we appreciate the support and interest and if you'd like to get more info or be apart of the team please PM me! Thanks!

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Darkness in Darkshire

    @Gorandor: Go

    I'm confused.. who is he talking to and what terrain is he talking about?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [Tutorial] Creating a SC2 Mod File for Custom Data Edits

    @Stewox: Go

    Hey guys, I'm trying to create a library mod which will essentially have loads of custom models that people can use instead of the normal starcraft doodads. The problem is, I'm getting data and stuff all messed up. It seems to lose my prefix and suffixes and it also changes the names of some of my models.

    here's a link to the problem I'm having with pictures (note: I know it shows two different file names, but they're the same thing, I just too a screen shot of the wrong map, however the problem it displays is exactly the same).


    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Editor names aren't saved?

    @Kueken531: Go

    damnit.. so I just gotta put it all in the actual name?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Editor names aren't saved?

    I am currently creating a .mod file with a bunch of models and I organized them by adding a zone in the editor prefix (in data) and sometimes something extra in the suffix, but when I load the dependency in a new map, they vanish and my data has it's name changed. Any reason why this is happening? This is why I really hate blizzard sometimes...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Warcraft: A New Dawn Recruitment


    we really appreciate all the support we get

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Saving as a .mod file?

    I would like to know if there is a way to save a current map as a .mod file. Thanks!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Darkness in Darkshire

    I think I'm going to have to agree with Nebuli2 here guys. I understand you may think it has too many types of models, but I don't think that in any way makes it unrealistic. Real life has unlimited variety, and it's always "cluttered". Not neat and clean like most game maps depict. That said if this was to be a playable map I would definitely clean it up and make it less "cluttered" for gameplay purposes.

    Posted in: Terrain
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