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    posted a message on Wow, 60 bucks just for this game.

    I love how Blizzard is really damned either way. If they said "Sorry we aren't releasing any expansions for SC2" people would be furious. And if they released a single expansion people would be asking for another, just like they have with every single Blizzard game ever made (which since WC2 have all had expansions.)

    So they decide they'll do two, and now they're moneygrubbing whores who are selling the game 1/3 at a time. Man, it's a no win situation for them.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Transmission Animation?

    I'm guesing you just don't have 3D portraits enabled. It's in the video settings.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Reinstalled SC2, no editor
    Quote from Tbome: Go

    For people having this problem. Visit http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=24702265260sid=5000 and look at post 5. Manual Patching (Advanced).

    Woot! thanks, that's exactly the kind of thing I was looking for and couldn't find.

    e: Manual patching works up to 12.1, but every time I apply patch 13, the game crashes on startup.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Using the Destroy persistent effect


    Take a look at the proximity mine implementation. The mine uses a weapon to detonate itself whenever an enemy comes within its weapon range.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Reinstalled SC2, no editor

    It doesn't seem to be possible to patch the game while battle.net is offline, sixen. Even if the patches are placed in the correct folder, the patcher won't actually install them unless it gets the version information from battle.net.

    What's happening is when you install the game it goes to patch it and displays the patch notes from the latest version (which is just a web page that is still online.) However, the patcher itself can't connect to battle.net to get the latest version info, and so it assumes there's no patch. So you end up with a patcher that says you're ready to go with a big orange PLAY button and Patch 15 notes, but the game itself has not patched.

    I've tried a bunch of things and short of emulating the response from the battle.net update server it does not seem to be possible to patch the game now. So those of us who had to reinstall it will just have to wait for the next phase of the beta.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Reinstalled SC2, no editor

    @Sixen: Go

    Oh, what the hell. I guess they took their patch servers offline and that's why it says no patches?

    The weird thing is, after the installation, the patch screen actually came up with the Patch 15 notes, and said Patch 15 finished and ready.

    Anyone know if there's a patch mirror site somewhere?

    e: Nvm, found patch mirrors, but I still can't install the patches. Is it even possible to update the game while their patch servers are down?

    It looks like when the patcher runs after installation it's able to download the patch notes but not able to get the updated version info from battle.net. So it shows the up-to-date Patch 15 notes and says ready to play but doesn't actually patch. And even with the patch files in the Updates folder, without battle.net telling it what version is current it won't install them... I'm starting to think I'm shit out of luck until battle.net comes back online.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Reinstalled SC2, no editor
    Quote from Sixen: Go

    Go to the Support folder, it should be in there.

    It's not. Like I said, I checked every subfolder.

    I also reinstalled 3 times, twice from the official installer and once from a torrent. No luck.

    And yes, it's definitely patch 15. Build number 13891. If I run the updater it says no patch to download.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Utilizing Armor in a TD Game

    In my TD, each tower has Armor Reduction set to roughly 10% of the tower's maximum damage (I use damage ranges.) So a photon cannon which hits for 1-20 damage has the armor reduction set to 2, while a spine crawler that does 30-50 has it set to 5.

    This has the rough effect of making each point of armor worth 10-15% reduction in damage. I do like using armor instead of just making things have more health because I have certain towers which ignore armor (or can be upgraded to ignore armor), making them much more valuable against heavily armored targets.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Challenge] Make a map larger than 256*256

    @SquarelyCircle: Go

    You're assuming that it's possible to make a map larger than 256x256. I'm merely suggesting an alternative. Of course it's not ideal compared to just increasing the map size, but I'm very skeptical that will be possible unless it's enabled with a future patch or expansion.

    And I realize downscaling everything is basically an absurd solution that would require an insane amount of work. But it may be the only workaround for a long time, or ever, depending on the technical reasons for the 256x256 limitation.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Reinstalled SC2, no editor

    My HD crashed so I had to reinstall SC2. I used the official Blizzard downloader from my battle.net account, and it installed and updated to patch 15. However, there's no editor - it's just not there. I've checked the entire SC2 folder and it's nowhere to be found.

    So, two part question - anyone had this issue when doing a fresh install, and is there a download mirror for just the editor somewhere?

    edit: Just to show that I'm not an idiot looking in the wrong folder: http://imgur.com/Dbl9k.png It's not in any of the subfolders either.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Exporting Wow Models and Importing them in to SC2?

    Nobody will know Blizzard's stance for certain until someone does it. Asking them is very unlikely to provoke a "yes, go for it" response, but they may have an unspoken policy of letting maps that use assets from other Blizzard games be.

    I'd guess that importing a few spell effects isn't a big deal, but making "Warcraft 4" with all WoW assets is not going to be allowed.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [RESOLVED] Refresh all buff durations whenever 1 is applied.
    Quote from redpand: Go

    Yeah, ironically I just came to that same fix today, but thanks for confirming that that was a working solution! So, if the maximum stack is 1, and the behavior is reapplied, does the new one replace the old one? If so, that would make my setup a little cleaner.

    Yes, that's what happens, and why this solution works.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Can you turn units on their Z-axis?

    SOpForwardIsUp might work, otherwise create an Explicit Rotation site operation and edit the Forward and Up vectors to your liking.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Challenge] Make a map larger than 256*256

    How about downscaling units and doodads by 50%? Since very few things use 1x1 footprints it shouldn't affect the gameplay too much (although things with odd-sized footprints like command centers would have to have slightly different proportions.) The only thing that would be very noticeable would be that cliffs would be effectively twice as large as they are now.

    If I had to guess I'd say the 256x256 limit is due to texture size limitations in older video cards, if each map unit has a 4x4 texture mask then a maximum size map would have 1024x1024 mask textures which was the maximum texture size for many older and low-end video cards. So anything larger would not be playable by those with low-end systems. Just a guess, though.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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