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    posted a message on What to change in the Galaxy Editor

    WYSYWIG text editing.

    Filtering by object source when selecting objects for a field entry. (I.e. when you need to select an effect in the field, and the full list of 50000 effects comes up, you should be able to filter out anything not from my map. Right now I add an editor prefix that starts with a "[" character to make all my stuff at the top of the list.)

    Fix the damn bug where sometimes when you dupe an object, the duplicate's identifier cannot be edited (introduced in patch 16, IIRC.)

    Make duping more consistent. Behavior shouldn't be different when you right click->Duplicate versus copy & paste.

    When you first start the editor there's a web link to a Blizzard editor wiki, which is just a 404 right now.

    I guess these are all mostly bug fixes and not feature requests. I've found very few things that I flat out can't do with the editor, but there's a lot of things that could (should) be made MUCH more convenient.

    edit: Add a "Custom Map" object family so that sorting mechanism is useful. Add a bunch more Behavior Categories, as 3 is NOT enough. Add more attributes or let us add them ourselves.

    AND LET US OVERRIDE THE GOD DAMN BASE UI, this is clearly the #1 thing missing from the editor right now.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Make unit nocollide via trigger

    Pathing footprint is one of those things you cannot change on the fly. You will need to make a second version of the building and use a Morph ability to switch between the two.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to find triggering player number

    (triggering player) returns type Integer. There is no Player type.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Extracting the Entire WoL Campaign
    Quote from Sixen: Go

    Uh... Those aren't maps... Are they...?

    Every single bit of the campaign, from the cutscenes to the Hyperion/Bar lobbies, is running under the normal game engine. It's insane.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Are we missing something?
    Quote from zifoon: Go

    Protoss - Protoss Reaver - Soul Hunter - Artanis - Dark Archon - Corsairs

    Dark Archon model is there, Artanis is a Hero Mothership.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Info] Patch 0-1.03 Undocumented Editor Changes

    Changing an object's identifier now resets the object's name (bug). Also sometimes it is not possible to change the object's name without first changing the modifier. Both of these may be linked to importing maps made with earlier versions of the editor.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on [Spoilers] New models
    Quote from ArcadeRenegade: Go

    there might be some models in the assets that aren't used right? there could be some gems that we're missing here.

    Yes I've found a bunch already. Plus there are some story mode assets which may be usable in the regular game. (Story mode is apparently what they call in-game cinematics as well as the mission selection interface.)

    For example: there are "Dark" versions of almost every protoss unit (even the probe).

    Also at least three more critters: Cow, Sheep, and Dog.

    edit: Proof of Terratron: http://imgur.com/SQsKa

    edit 2: there's a flashlight model for attachment...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Setting Unit Radius

    Attaching actors won't do anything if you're trying to modify the collision radius as actors have no collision (except doodads and I'm pretty sure their collision info is baked into the map.)

    Anyway the correct way to do what you're trying to do is to use a morph ability to actually morph into a different unit with the larger radius, as there's no way to modify that property in general. If you're sure that a player will only have one of the unit at a time, though, you could use the Catalog Get/Set functions to dynamically change the Radius property for ALL units of that type (per player) - I'm not 100% that will work as a lot of fields cannot be modified in this way.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Spoilers] New models
    Quote from s3rius: Go

    @RileyStarcraft: Go

    The Sniper Rifle Beam maybe?

    Sniper rifle beam is just smoke. This is more what I'm looking for:

    Terrans in the SC2 universe don't seem to use tracer rounds, though :) I'm working on a map where you can fire at any point, and without some sort of beam or tracer there isn't enough feedback and it doesn't feel right. Oddly enough of all the awesome new assets that would be the one thing I could use the most. Sorry didn't mean to derail the thread, carry on with the spoilers.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Spoiler] Achievements

    I count 29 missions... a pretty meaty campaign.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Spoilers] New models

    Someone check if there's a tracer fire model anywhere so I can stop working on one...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on shadowmeld ?

    My bad I thought the "Unit Is Moving" validator was built in but I guess I made it myself. CasterForcedOrWantsToMove is not the right validator, that just checks the unit's tactical AI. To make the validator you need, dupe "Caster Is Stationary" and change the Compare field to "Greater Than".

    The period count for the Apply Reveal buff should be -1.

    I forgot to mention, the duration of the Revealed buff should be how long the unit must wait after it stops moving to be able to shadowmeld.

    Make the ability itself type Instant - Effect and make the effect Apply Behavior, have it apply the Hidden behavior to the caster. Now we're 3/4 there: you can cast shadowmeld and it will automatically break on movement. The only thing that's left is to make a Requirement to use the ability, and the requirement should check that the Revealed behavior isn't present. Link the requirement to the ability (in the ability's Commands field) and now you have the whole enchilada.

    To make it autocast, you just need to enable autocast in the ability.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dynamic Model Change via Item (Armor acts as clothing)

    Make it so the item applies some sort of behavior when equipped, then in the marine actor add the following events:


    ModelSwap Ghost


    ModelSwap Marine

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Setting Unit Radius

    Can you clarify what you're trying to modify? The unit's radius for the purposes of collision, or the size of the selection circle around the unit? As far as the game is concerned the two are completely unrelated.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on shadowmeld ?

    All those behaviors are buffs.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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