A lot of new players have been asking me about my -kick commands and how did i make them. These players know almost nothing about triggers and are predominately females looking to kick people who from what i can gleen are sexually embarrassing them (if i could i would script mace).
Goals of tutorial:
-For users who have never used triggering section before.
-For users who can publish maps and play those maps.
-To educate users and give them an idea of all relevant fundamental concepts of programming.
-To show the user how to kick players and ban players.
-I ramble a lot trying to teach a person to fish as i give them the fish.
Final Scripts:
-kickEventsGame-PlayerAnyPlayertypesachatmessagecontaining"-kick",matchingPartiallyLocalVariablesPlayer=(Integer((Word2of(Enteredchatstring))))<Integer>ConditionsOrConditions(Handleofplayer(Triggeringplayer))=="1-S2-1-568242"(Handleofplayer(Triggeringplayer))=="2-S2-1-3918636"ActionsUI-Display((Text(NameofplayerPlayer)withcolor(Color((CurrentplayerPlayercolor))))+" has been kick.")for(Allplayers)toSubtitleareaGeneral-Wait5.0GameTimesecondsGame-EndgameinDefeatforplayerPlayer(Hidedialogs,Hidescorescreen)
BanHammerEventsGame-MapinitializationLocalVariablesConditionsActionsGeneral-Wait5.0GameTimesecondsPlayerGroup-Pickeachplayerin(ActivePlayers)anddo(Actions)ActionsGeneral-If(Conditions)thendo(Actions)elsedo(Actions)IfOrConditions(Handleofplayer(Pickedplayer))=="1-S2-1-4373360"ThenUI-Display((Text(Nameofplayer(Pickedplayer))withcolor(Color((Currentplayer(Pickedplayer)color))))+" has been banned.")for(Allplayers)toSubtitleareaGeneral-Wait5.0GameTimesecondsGame-EndgameinDefeatforplayer(Pickedplayer)(Hidedialogs,Hidescorescreen)Else
Q&A(From Posts):
Q: Why is it banning everyone.
A: The issue lies most likely in the "Ban Hammer" Trigger at the "IF then else" the if part is wrong. Make sure its not blank and theirs at least something there or that the trigger is disabled.
A lot of new players have been asking me about my -kick commands and how did i make them. These players know almost nothing about triggers and are predominately females looking to kick people who from what i can gleen are sexually embarrassing them (if i could i would script mace).
Goals of tutorial:
-For users who have never used triggering section before.
-For users who can publish maps and play those maps.
-To educate users and give them an idea of all relevant fundamental concepts of programming.
-To show the user how to kick players and ban players.
-I ramble a lot trying to teach a person to fish as i give them the fish.
Final Scripts:
Ban Hammer
Q&A(From Posts):
Q: Why is it banning everyone.
A: The issue lies most likely in the "Ban Hammer" Trigger at the "IF then else" the if part is wrong. Make sure its not blank and theirs at least something there or that the trigger is disabled.