Wondering if it is possible to re check a trigger for its events at a certain event. we have our players using a movement variable and everytime they enter a region it reduces this movement variable and then moves them on to the next region, where eventually they stop. later however they get a new movement variable. but our problem is that we are using "unit enters region" as our trigger, so now we have new conditions but the event insnt being run because our unit is still in the region. is there any way to re check? Thanks for any info!
Wont exactly help since we wont know what region they are in when they run out of the movement variable, is there a way to remove and then place units directly back on a region without knowing the specific region?
is there a way to remove and then place units directly back on a region without knowing the specific region?
Create a local point variable in the trigger called "Temp." Set temp == Position of the unit. Then move the unit instantly (with blending OFF) somewhere outside the region, wait like .05 seconds, and move it back to Temp.
Wondering if it is possible to re check a trigger for its events at a certain event. we have our players using a movement variable and everytime they enter a region it reduces this movement variable and then moves them on to the next region, where eventually they stop. later however they get a new movement variable. but our problem is that we are using "unit enters region" as our trigger, so now we have new conditions but the event insnt being run because our unit is still in the region. is there any way to re check? Thanks for any info!
You can get units within a region as a unit group.
@Ahli634: Go
Wont exactly help since we wont know what region they are in when they run out of the movement variable, is there a way to remove and then place units directly back on a region without knowing the specific region?
You can add behaviours and custom value and check them with conditions.
Since dont know exactly what you want. thats somethuing you could try
Create a local point variable in the trigger called "Temp." Set temp == Position of the unit. Then move the unit instantly (with blending OFF) somewhere outside the region, wait like .05 seconds, and move it back to Temp.