@depthsofchaos I don't recognize that skybox, but most of them have quirks like not showing if you look below the horizon (the problem you're having). Is it a custom skybox?
The reason there was no black in my screenshot is that the grey cloudy stuff is actually part of the skybox. That section in your skybox might just be completely missing.
It's not wotking with any of the skyboxes. That was someone alses screenshot, heres mine (the skybox is custom tho it doesn't matter) , as you can see it shows up perfectly in the editor.
It's not wotking with any of the skyboxes. That was someone alses screenshot, heres mine (the skybox is custom tho it doesn't matter) , as you can see it shows up perfectly in the editor.
Hmm im having the same problem as someone alse, but on your pictures it doesnt appear for some reason:
And the skybox im using has graphics there! so it shouldn't be black