dude, if you run into a unit limit, instead of creating the entire map, just create once screen size worth, and when link hits the edge of the screen, destroy the units and create the units for the next screen. just make a Unit Array [10,000] and Unit Type Array [10,000} that contains the Units location and type. You could then just increment a index pointer by 500 every time you go to the next screen
although you would have to initialize the arrays using a galaxy script
this would also dramatically increase the graphical performance
But dude.... Link to the Past version. Please.
@Mreaper: Go
dude, if you run into a unit limit, instead of creating the entire map, just create once screen size worth, and when link hits the edge of the screen, destroy the units and create the units for the next screen. just make a Unit Array [10,000] and Unit Type Array [10,000} that contains the Units location and type. You could then just increment a index pointer by 500 every time you go to the next screen
although you would have to initialize the arrays using a galaxy script
this would also dramatically increase the graphical performance
@aTTari: Go
Wow O_o. Although I really want OOT in this!
I belive the title should be "legend of a ZEALOT" he he.... =]
can i have this when ure done :D