I'm here to start hyping up my first map, Custom Wars.
Custom Wars features all new graphics, textures, sounds (In due time) as well as custom soundtrack. It is a fast paced, micro-intensive game, with king of the hill style elements. With a very low graphical demand, huge battles are possible. Custom Wars loads directly into starcraft, and will be able to be found in the Custom Games List.
The goal of Custom Wars is simple. Everybody has at their disposal the same three units (In the first stage of development);
Slicer - Standard melee unit.
Gunner - Standard ranged combat unit.
Flyer - Standard flying unit.
These units, as the game progresses, will be upgraded individually. Unique armies will be created.
The game is a 4 way FFA. Each player starts in their respective corner. Equipped with a limited amount of money, your main structure can produce any combination of those three units you want. This stucture also is responsible for upgrades, and must be defended at all costs.
As you build you're starting units and venture out into the world, you will find stuctures you need to capture. Each structure, when captured, is capable of automatically producing the respective unit of the structure. Know your enemies strengths and weaknesses and stop them from getting towers they need.
I'm here to start hyping up my first map, Custom Wars.
Custom Wars features all new graphics, textures, sounds (In due time) as well as custom soundtrack. It is a fast paced, micro-intensive game, with king of the hill style elements. With a very low graphical demand, huge battles are possible. Custom Wars loads directly into starcraft, and will be able to be found in the Custom Games List.
The goal of Custom Wars is simple. Everybody has at their disposal the same three units (In the first stage of development);
Slicer - Standard melee unit. Gunner - Standard ranged combat unit. Flyer - Standard flying unit.
These units, as the game progresses, will be upgraded individually. Unique armies will be created.
The game is a 4 way FFA. Each player starts in their respective corner. Equipped with a limited amount of money, your main structure can produce any combination of those three units you want. This stucture also is responsible for upgrades, and must be defended at all costs.
As you build you're starting units and venture out into the world, you will find stuctures you need to capture. Each structure, when captured, is capable of automatically producing the respective unit of the structure. Know your enemies strengths and weaknesses and stop them from getting towers they need.