Gizmo has been working on a loadingsreen for me. It was done in a couple of hours and I wanted to post it here and see what everyone thinks. Hopefully to get some feedback from you guys and maybe even a few tips.
So things like: overall layout, pictures, fonts, colors used, colors not used, information and tips given etc. etc.
How do you find it. Prefer you be harsh and blunt about it.
Seems really simple. I don't mean simple as in it's easy to do but simple as in the design. Sometimes simple is just what's needed. Although will there be text during loading or will it just be this picture?
The background and the foreground have too similar color shades, it almost looks like there's a transparent grey layer over the whole thing. I'd suggest making the background darker or the foreground brighter, or both.
Gizmo has been working on a loadingsreen for me. It was done in a couple of hours and I wanted to post it here and see what everyone thinks. Hopefully to get some feedback from you guys and maybe even a few tips.
So things like: overall layout, pictures, fonts, colors used, colors not used, information and tips given etc. etc.
How do you find it. Prefer you be harsh and blunt about it.
Thanks for reading.
My thoughts are that the portrait edges are too sharp, and the background is too bland / flat.
ye made it simple could have smthing different on background but didnt wanted to make it over the top
Seems really simple. I don't mean simple as in it's easy to do but simple as in the design. Sometimes simple is just what's needed. Although will there be text during loading or will it just be this picture?
Probably just leave it as it is, or as the final version turns out.
The background and the foreground have too similar color shades, it almost looks like there's a transparent grey layer over the whole thing. I'd suggest making the background darker or the foreground brighter, or both.
had idea to make it look better will try when i get home
I think it looks really good already. Better than any of my loading screens :D...I didnt know you were such an artist gizmo :)
Added an updated version. Better contrast, a water mark in the background and move the website down.
Definitely a step in the right direction, looks quite a bit better.
Edit: I'd also probably add dropshadows to the text / portraits and such.