So I know of a few people having problems with the Siege Tank unsiege animation. Specifically, the model disappears during unsieging and the green unit selection circle stays in the same spot after the unit moves after going mobile.
I've tried to make sure all the actors and event settings are the same between my custom tank and the default one, but I cant figure it out. Has anyone made fully working custom tanks?
There's a third actor with seig tanks. The two from the unit, then the one that is called when either of those 2 morph... It sounds like you either havt duplicated that one, or if you did, your linking is wrong somewhere, let me know if you did duplicat the one I'm talking about
that looks perfect,
now, in both the unit actors, you do have both morph from and morph to set correctly inside each one?
Also, take a look at both abilities, and just make sure the "Actor Duration" in each morph ability is set to the same as the real version. (if its ending to soon, thats a very good place to check)
If the above still does not solve the problem, would you mind attaching your map?
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you should be able to attach it to a PM as well. PM me here
solved: There are FOUR actors involved, the custom thing I made..never needed to be brought back, thus I never noticed it There are two actors for the tanks, then two "morph model" actors for going back and forth Duplicate and change the one titled "tank mode morph model" you already duplicated the "Siege mode morph model
So I know of a few people having problems with the Siege Tank unsiege animation. Specifically, the model disappears during unsieging and the green unit selection circle stays in the same spot after the unit moves after going mobile.
I've tried to make sure all the actors and event settings are the same between my custom tank and the default one, but I cant figure it out. Has anyone made fully working custom tanks?
There's a third actor with seig tanks. The two from the unit, then the one that is called when either of those 2 morph... It sounds like you either havt duplicated that one, or if you did, your linking is wrong somewhere, let me know if you did duplicat the one I'm talking about
-posting from iPhone sorry for any typos
@Molsterr: Go
I was just about to say... Molster can help you.
@Molsterr: Go
I duplicated the morph model actor and changed the terms to the new unit. I even did it twice, to no avail.
I'll link screenshots of the actor, maybe I screwed something up.
Thanks for the pics, I'll be home in about 30 mins and I'll take a peak so check back
@Molsterr: Go
Thank me? Thank you, you're the one helping :)
@Diablito816: Go
that looks perfect,
now, in both the unit actors, you do have both morph from and morph to set correctly inside each one?
Also, take a look at both abilities, and just make sure the "Actor Duration" in each morph ability is set to the same as the real version. (if its ending to soon, thats a very good place to check)
If the above still does not solve the problem, would you mind attaching your map?
@Molsterr: Go
I checked the abilities actors and all of it and it seems to match up. And if you have a way for me to send it to you privately, I'll do that.
you should be able to attach it to a PM as well.
PM me here
solved: There are FOUR actors involved, the custom thing I made..never needed to be brought back, thus I never noticed it There are two actors for the tanks, then two "morph model" actors for going back and forth Duplicate and change the one titled "tank mode morph model" you already duplicated the "Siege mode morph model
@Molsterr: Go
Thanks, got it. Can't believe I missed that. Should have assumed there would be a tank mode morph if there was siege.