Think I have steadily been getting less mature since joining here, so I will just blame all of you for that. An immature thing to do of course, but is your fault as I previously mentioned.
Done a really good amount of learning the editor in that time though, may even have this evil project done before 2014! Many thanks to all of you besides TW for that.
*looks at old threads of mine*
*realizes how much I've matured sense joining this site*
*reads this post*
*realizes how much more growing up I need to do*
It's only a problem the day you don't realize you still need to grow up anymore.
also, I like your moose
@JakeCake26: Go
"IIM GROUWN!!!!" - Everyone in teh hood.
*looks at join date*
.................................really...why can't it be one day later
EDIT: @Taintedwisp: You sure about that? :D
@grenegg: Go
Wait ill edit my post.
Mozared likes this post.
Yeah, back when I joined Mapster I didn't have a single white hair, now I have a few... Soon enough I'll look like Dr.Narud lol
Formally Kinkycactus
Yea, we all totally matured over time.
The spoon has spoken.
Honestly, when I go back and look at some of my old posts, I edit them because I realize how bad I sounded :P
Now excuse me while I act dumb for a moment...
@TheAlmaity: Go
All hail the Almighty spoon!
I've a small patch of white hair in the exact center of the hairline since I'm 18. Luckily it didn't increase in the past 6 years.
You're like Keith Murray from We are Scientists...
I dunno what all you crazy people talkin about, i am perfect. :D
Think I have steadily been getting less mature since joining here, so I will just blame all of you for that. An immature thing to do of course, but is your fault as I previously mentioned.
Done a really good amount of learning the editor in that time though, may even have this evil project done before 2014! Many thanks to all of you besides TW for that.
@Ahli634: Go Why am I like him? Well, I'm a scientist, but not a musician.
And who is Keith Murray anyway? I know a Keith Richards and a Bill Murray, but no Keith Murray lol.
Lookit all these oldies postin' :P
Ah so that's why I found that random post on quantum physics in one of my old tutorials last week!
Well I feel new.
We are bro.
@Doubleclick123: Go
Heh. Just noticed you are technically only 3 days older than me. That's awesome.
@Dragoneles: Go
Yeah, i'm just nerdy and post more often :P. Although technically i'm around April, I made the account January but didn't do anything until April.