Hi all,
I'm working on a project that involves taking an existing map (2-player works) and mining data out of it into banks, which is then processed. I got a basic trigger in place that would write economy data to the bank every time minerals/vespene/supply changed, but have gotten stuck of late on getting more advanced triggers set up (mostly ones that I want to do in fixed intervals which I can't quite figure out how to do). I was wondering if anyone could help me set up the following:
- every x seconds, write out the current unit/unit count to a bank (marines:10, marauders:20, etc)
- every y seconds, write out units in production/their progress (marine:.50, marine:.25, marauder:.60)
- whenever a unit dies, add that unit to a bank that tracks the number of units killed (e.g. marines:6, marauders:2, etc)
- every z seconds, write out the APM (I suppose EPM now) to a bank
- every a seconds, write out research being upgrade and progress (this might just be done in the unit progress task above?)
- every b seconds, write out each unit and it's position on the map (e.g. marine1:201, 192, marine2:202,190, etc)
- every time a user moves a unit/group of units, write the destination to a bank
That's what I can think of off the top of my head - I might come up with more. I know this is asking a lot (or maybe, it's really easy and I'm just dumb), so I'd be willing to work out some sort of compensation for whoever can help me make this happen. If anyone is interested, please PM me and we can work out details over chat/Skype/preferred method of interwebs communication.
Hi all, I'm working on a project that involves taking an existing map (2-player works) and mining data out of it into banks, which is then processed. I got a basic trigger in place that would write economy data to the bank every time minerals/vespene/supply changed, but have gotten stuck of late on getting more advanced triggers set up (mostly ones that I want to do in fixed intervals which I can't quite figure out how to do). I was wondering if anyone could help me set up the following:
- every x seconds, write out the current unit/unit count to a bank (marines:10, marauders:20, etc)
- every y seconds, write out units in production/their progress (marine:.50, marine:.25, marauder:.60)
- whenever a unit dies, add that unit to a bank that tracks the number of units killed (e.g. marines:6, marauders:2, etc)
- every z seconds, write out the APM (I suppose EPM now) to a bank
- every a seconds, write out research being upgrade and progress (this might just be done in the unit progress task above?)
- every b seconds, write out each unit and it's position on the map (e.g. marine1:201, 192, marine2:202,190, etc)
- every time a user moves a unit/group of units, write the destination to a bank
That's what I can think of off the top of my head - I might come up with more. I know this is asking a lot (or maybe, it's really easy and I'm just dumb), so I'd be willing to work out some sort of compensation for whoever can help me make this happen. If anyone is interested, please PM me and we can work out details over chat/Skype/preferred method of interwebs communication.
Thanks and have a great one! :)