Recently, I made the first big patch of GAx3 Mod. (Now on US, CN, TW
Today I finally get some time to list all new features brought by it. I will go with a simple version and a detail version. (If you want to use the new features brought by Patch 1, don’t forget to update your map’s GAx3 dependency.)
Before we start, a important tip here:
I received some feedbacks. Some people says the GAx3 mod is great, but after they used this mod, every time they open their map, they need to logon the BN to access the mod, it’s annoying, is there any way to bypass this progress?
Now, we have a solution --
Here is an important tip I forget to include in my GAx3 developer manual.
- Make sure your map has already used GAx3 BN version dependency (see the Develop Manual of GAx3)
- Download GAx3 local file version(link) , and save it to your Starcraft II\Mods folder
- Open your map
- File -> Dependencies…
- You will see a familiar interface
- Select GAx3 dependency, then click Modify… (or Double-Click GAx3 mod)
- In Local Files sheet, Select GAx3, click OK
- Now you can see this in the Dependencies window, make sure your map now have BOTH GAx3 dependency and GAx3 local file dependency IN THE SAME LINE
- Congrat! It’s done.
And Now When you open your map with the Editor, you won’t have to logon the BN, the Editor will load the Local version of GAx3.
When you try to upload your map to BN, the Editor will automatically switch your map’s dependency to BN version GAx3. How convenient!
Back to the topic, here is the Patch not of GAx3 Patch 1, simple version:
GAx3 Patch 1
Applicatived Starcraft II version : 1.4.3
GAx3 Patch 1 now have a debug cheat tool for map testers! Do not need to remember the miscellaneous cheat codes anymore. When you are in test mode (testing your map with File-> Test Document…), you can press “`” key to call forth a in-game debug UI, which would list all debug cheat codes (include Actor Cheats).
This tool can even automatically enter cheat codes for you, or you can also copy them and enter them manually. (There are some cheats that have to be entered manually)
Trigger Features
GAx3 Patch 1 brings the GAx3 Phasing tech to code level! Now you can assign different value for the same actor variable for different player. Just try out the action :"Set Actor For Player (Code Level Phasing)".
For example, in player 1’s machine, variable ABC points to a marine’s actor; while in player 2’s machine, ABC points to a Thor’s actor.
Now you can persistently phasing out a region for specified players. For these players, the persistent phasing would hide/mute all actor enter the region, and when these actor leave this region, they would show up again. Try out the action "Persisent Region Phasing (Phasing Tech)".
You can destroy the persistent phasing anytime. And the hidden/muted actors would show up again.
GAx3 allows you to use cheat code in Multiplayer environments! Just use “Allow/Disallow Multiplayer Cheat For Player” action to allow them, then enter “TerribleTerribleDamage”, "CatFoodForPrawnGuns" etc, to see what happens.
After you turned on the Multiplayer Cheats, you can use "Allow Cheat" action to further turn on/off specified cheats.
GAx3 also allows you to toggle God Mode/Fast- Build Mode/Food – Ignored Mode for specified player with trigger actions, without need these players to enter cheat codes manually.
Now you can get a variable’s “Internal Name” as a string value in GUI. For example, if a is a local variable, (Galaxy Name(a)) would return you “lv_a”.
It is very useful when you try to debug variable name, or store multiple variables into Data Table.
Convert Point To Text – Just a utility that help you display point as (x, y) form.
Convert Point To Text With Z Offset – (x, y, z) version.
Now you can dynamically create “One-Way Sight Blocker” with triggers.
Much like the “Shrubs” in LoL, units stand within could see outside things, but unit stand outside could not see things within the blocker.
Variable Assignment – with this action, you can set a variable with all kinds of Assignment Operator (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, >>=, <<=, &=, |=, ^=, etc…)
Then i would be 4.
Now you can use Custom Script in Trigger Conditions.
Now you can do +, - operations for Points. For example, Point(1, 3) + Point(2, 4) would be Point(3, 7); Point(1, 3) - Point(2, 4) would be Point(-1, -1)
Bitwise Operation (Binary) – Now you can use bitwise operations (&, ^, |, <<, >>) on integers. For example i=3|4, then i=7 (7 is 111 in binary)
Bitwise Complement (Unary) - Returns the bitwise complement value of the integer. For example i=Bitwise Complement(3), then I would be -4
Order Queue
GAx3 now grant you much more flexible while manipulate unit’s order queue!
Clear Unit Order Queue – Forcedly Clear a unit's Order Queue, even if this unit doesn't have a "Stop" ability.
But if the unit doen't have a "Stop" ability. It will need half a loop to clear its order queue (0.03125 game seconds). You can decide if you want to wait.
If the unit is casting a "Uninterruptable" ability, he will continue to cast it, but his order queue is actually have be cleared.
Clear Unit Order Queue Except Current Order - Clear a unit's Order Queue, except its current order. It is very useful when you want to clear a unit's order queue, while don't want to interrupt the spell he is casting.
Insert Order To Unit Order Queue - Insert an Order to the unit's order queue, without interrupt its current casting. You can decide which slot (specified by slot index) you want to insert into.
Remove Order From Unit Order Queue - Remove a specified order (specified by slot index) from the unit's order queue, without interrupt the unit's current casting(Unless you chose to remove his current order, i.e. index=0).
GAx3 now allows you to destroy Triggers.
Set Unit Hero Icon Incapacitated State - Forces the Incapacitated State on or off for the specified unit. A Incapacitated hero would show red frame in his hero icon.
You can use this action to simulate a "Dead" hero
Unit Uses Any Ability – This event has been redone, now has higher efficiency.
Unit Uses Ability (Advanced) – Much like the “Unit Uses Any Ability” action. But with this event, you can choose to register Any Ability OR Specified Ability. Thus more consist with the official event styles.
Data Features
GAx3 now introduce you a new Doodad: LoL-style Shrub. Much like the “Shrubs” in LoL, units stand within the Shrubs could see outside things, but unit stand outside could not see things within the Shrubs. It is very useful when you are trying to do LoL-like dota.
One-Way LOS Blocker 1x1 – Same as LoL-style Shrub, but without models. Very useful to create one-way LOS.
Dynamic One-Way LOS Blocker 1x1 – Just like One-Way LOS Blocker 1x1, but as a unit, you can move and create it dynamically.
Clear Order Queue – Data version “Clear Order Queue”. Forcedly Clear a unit's Order Queue, even if this unit doesn't have a "Stop" ability.
If the unit is casting a "Uninterruptable" ability, he will continue to cast it, but his order queue is actually be cleared.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that the GAx3 Model Display Control cannot render the model properly when player's portrait graphic setting is set to 2D.
I use only two functions in your GAx, anyway I can just get access to those 2 functions?
With the current structure of GAx3 , it would be very hard to do this.
Since I separated the GUI layer and the code behind it to achieve higher performace. Copy the GUI function only to your map would do nothing(Without the code part, they are just empty shells) . And If you copy the code part too, it has no different than you just use GAx3 itself.
But the GAx3 Mod is only 70KB, so I don't think there would be any problem if you use it as awhole.
Yeah, I know I can't simply just C&P :( which is why I'm asking. I don't think the two functions in question are linked to too many things. They are the advanced custom value ex of unit.
EDIT: Original post sounded mean, lol. So I threw up a sad face there to make it seem sincere now, lol.
Yeah, I know I can't simply just CP :( which is why I'm asking. I don't think the two functions in question are linked to too many things. They are the advanced custom value ex of unit.
EDIT: Original post sounded mean, lol. So I threw up a sad face there to make it seem sincere now, lol.
Well this particular one is simple, you can do it youself. And it's not done by Data Table...
I received some feedbacks. Some people says the GAx3 mod is great, but after they used this mod, every time they open their map, they need to logon the BN to access the mod, it’s annoying, is there any way to bypass this progress?
I'm one of those peeps :(
I love this mod because it gave me control over actors (without units) and phasing (each player sees a different map). My whole map is based on this mod.
I love this mod because it gave me control over actors (without units) and phasing (each player sees a different map). My whole map is based on this mod.
The "tip" part of OP is the solution, hmmm. With this trick, you no longer need to logon the BN everytime.
Just don't forget to update your local version GAx3 mod though :)
Got any tips for moving over 200 actors to different x/y/z points without lagging? The game can handle moving 200 units fine but can't seem to handle 200 actor-move actions.
Recently, I made the first big patch of GAx3 Mod. (Now on US, CN, TW
Today I finally get some time to list all new features brought by it. I will go with a simple version and a detail version. (If you want to use the new features brought by Patch 1, don’t forget to update your map’s GAx3 dependency.)
Before we start, a important tip here:
Back to the topic, here is the Patch not of GAx3 Patch 1, simple version:
GAx3 Patch 1
Applicatived Starcraft II version : 1.4.3
For more information of GAx3, see:
GAx3 Patch 1 now have a debug cheat tool for map testers! Do not need to remember the miscellaneous cheat codes anymore. When you are in test mode (testing your map with File-> Test Document…), you can press “`” key to call forth a in-game debug UI, which would list all debug cheat codes (include Actor Cheats).
This tool can even automatically enter cheat codes for you, or you can also copy them and enter them manually. (There are some cheats that have to be entered manually)
Trigger Features
For example, in player 1’s machine, variable ABC points to a marine’s actor; while in player 2’s machine, ABC points to a Thor’s actor.
You can destroy the persistent phasing anytime. And the hidden/muted actors would show up again.
After you turned on the Multiplayer Cheats, you can use "Allow Cheat" action to further turn on/off specified cheats.
It is very useful when you try to debug variable name, or store multiple variables into Data Table.
Much like the “Shrubs” in LoL, units stand within could see outside things, but unit stand outside could not see things within the blocker.
Then i would be 4.
Order Queue
But if the unit doen't have a "Stop" ability. It will need half a loop to clear its order queue (0.03125 game seconds). You can decide if you want to wait.
If the unit is casting a "Uninterruptable" ability, he will continue to cast it, but his order queue is actually have be cleared.
You can use this action to simulate a "Dead" hero
Data Features
If the unit is casting a "Uninterruptable" ability, he will continue to cast it, but his order queue is actually be cleared.
Bug Fixes
Detail Version of the Patch note
To Be Done...
@Renee2islga: Go
I use only two functions in your GAx, anyway I can just get access to those 2 functions?
This is seriously absolutely amazing.
So awesome...!
With the current structure of GAx3 , it would be very hard to do this.
Since I separated the GUI layer and the code behind it to achieve higher performace. Copy the GUI function only to your map would do nothing(Without the code part, they are just empty shells) . And If you copy the code part too, it has no different than you just use GAx3 itself.
But the GAx3 Mod is only 70KB, so I don't think there would be any problem if you use it as awhole.
@Renee2islga: Go
Yeah, I know I can't simply just C&P :( which is why I'm asking. I don't think the two functions in question are linked to too many things. They are the advanced custom value ex of unit.
EDIT: Original post sounded mean, lol. So I threw up a sad face there to make it seem sincere now, lol.
Awesome. :)
I'm using the phasing system in my map and it's superb to display items only to one player in some cases.
Well this particular one is simple, you can do it youself. And it's not done by Data Table...
It's Charge actually.
native void UnitAddChargeUsed (unit inUnit, string inCharge, fixed inVal);
The inCharge be the key, and inVal be the value. I just used a "GAx3_" prefix to the key to prevent any conflicts
Very simple and easy, isn't it?
I feel a news post coming up...
Edit: Oh, it's already there :D
@Renee2islga: Go
I'm one of those peeps :(
I love this mod because it gave me control over actors (without units) and phasing (each player sees a different map). My whole map is based on this mod.
The "tip" part of OP is the solution, hmmm. With this trick, you no longer need to logon the BN everytime.
Just don't forget to update your local version GAx3 mod though :)
Got any tips for moving over 200 actors to different x/y/z points without lagging? The game can handle moving 200 units fine but can't seem to handle 200 actor-move actions.
@zandose: Go
Well, in my compute, moving 200 actor to different positions works just well and smothly
-Even in my notebook. I assume your computer's hardwares aren't bad enough?
And what action you were using when you move them? The "Move Actor With Vector(Speed)" of GAx3?
I made a sample map here.
There will be 200 marine actor in the map, press "C" key and they would move towards 200 different random positions. You can press C more than once.
This map needs GAx3 mods of course, just put one in your Starcraft II\Mods fold.
If this map works well in your computer, then fine. If there will still be laggs, please tell me.