Greetings and Sorry for the long title,
I'm really intrested in creating a map but i don't know where to start really other then the terrain.
I have no knowledge in any map creating or anything but here is my idea:
4 Player Survival Map against Zerg spawn
Every Player Controlls a Hero he/she can choose
Players can move freely over the terrain and just need to Survive
Players can find minreal pickups to setup Barricades
Players can find meachine parts(Gas) to build a bombs/towers to help them survive.
Zerg Spawn in a 45 Sec(?) countdown and will hunt the player
Waves get harder and harder
So my question now is how hard it would to make this work for a guy like me with no knowledge in mapping.
Not really that hard but it will take some time to get to know the data editor. Look up some hero and unit creation tutorials and general triggering info on this page. :)
Thanks for your fast anweser and good news that it would not really be "that hard" i was prepared that it will take time to learn this stuff.
You might not be able to post tutorials that you would recommend?
Also, if you run into specific issues, feel free to post on mapster for help (Please don't post for anything super general like "I'm making a map, halp", instead focus on one thing at a time like "I want a way to make enemy units stronger over the course of the game", "I want to create an ability that does X", "I need help with a hero revive system" - As long as you tell us exactly what you're doing, we'll be able to help. The more vague your posts, the more posting will have to be done to find out exactly how to help you and that takes time)
For data-specific questions you can always PM DrSuperEvil or me (Not entirely sure what Kueken has been up to lately, but if he's still active he can be of great help as well), but forum threads are better if you want faster replies (Plus DrSuperEvil answers those regularly as well)
Also, welcome to Sc2mapster!
As a welcome gift, you have the permission to buy us all a round of drinks!
Aside from the difficulty another good thing to know is the time it takes to make a map especially when you are learning. It could take you 2 months or more to make that from conception to release, map making in my experience always takes way longer than i anticipate at the start.
So you want to make that cool map. But don't forget that the editor is really hard. Im working on the data editor for years (helping to create marine arena and some other stuff) But even my, evil or who els don't master the editor completely. Most guys here are ''specialized ' on parts of the editor.
For example Drsuperevil Data, i do actors/custom sounds, Mozared terrain. Soufilcher (general) dds icons, Forsworne Models. ect.
Thats why that most popular mod have soo big team.
But i guess you need just the basics.
I shall answer how to do your idea's
Every Player Controlls a Hero he/she can choose:
you can do that easey if you have always the same hero on the same player slot. However its harder if you want that every player can choice his hero, whatever in witch slot he is in.
Players Must Defend Nuke Silo(Ghost Academy) fror x amount of time;
Thats Trigger work. Im very very bad with trigers.
Players earn minerals by killing zergs and can hire merc etc.
Data work.
Players earn gas by killing boss waves and can buy special stuff with it DMG UP,Armor UP etc ;
Trigger work.
Zerg Spawn over waves.
You need to set spawpoints. formerly you must trigger these spawpoints via triggers. But now you have a new tool called AI settings. With that you can set your waves. Its not very hard.
Selectable Diffculty which change the lenght (easy 30 min,normal 45 min,hard 60 min)
Trigger work, i guess. But don't forget that 60 min is very long. Most custom games are 15 min. But its your map.
Greetings and Sorry for the long title, I'm really intrested in creating a map but i don't know where to start really other then the terrain. I have no knowledge in any map creating or anything but here is my idea:
4 Player Survival Map against Zerg spawn
So my question now is how hard it would to make this work for a guy like me with no knowledge in mapping.
Regards, DarkSider
Not really that hard but it will take some time to get to know the data editor. Look up some hero and unit creation tutorials and general triggering info on this page. :)
The wiki is "also" useful:
Thanks for your fast anweser and good news that it would not really be "that hard" i was prepared that it will take time to learn this stuff. You might not be able to post tutorials that you would recommend? - OneTwo's tutorial channel; it's always easier to learn by watching others do stuff first. (german) - The first place to start out with mapping would be blizzards official tutorials, though.
Keep in mind that the editor changed a lot already.
Also, if you run into specific issues, feel free to post on mapster for help (Please don't post for anything super general like "I'm making a map, halp", instead focus on one thing at a time like "I want a way to make enemy units stronger over the course of the game", "I want to create an ability that does X", "I need help with a hero revive system" - As long as you tell us exactly what you're doing, we'll be able to help. The more vague your posts, the more posting will have to be done to find out exactly how to help you and that takes time)
For data-specific questions you can always PM DrSuperEvil or me (Not entirely sure what Kueken has been up to lately, but if he's still active he can be of great help as well), but forum threads are better if you want faster replies (Plus DrSuperEvil answers those regularly as well)
Also, welcome to Sc2mapster!
As a welcome gift, you have the permission to buy us all a round of drinks!
So i decided to ditch my current idea for something a litte easier i guess. My new new idea is
4 Player Defnece Map against Zerg
I guess this is alot Easier since Waves Spawn from Simply 4 directions and try to attack the Nuke Silo Still there is the Hero Coding.
@Darksider091: Go
Aside from the difficulty another good thing to know is the time it takes to make a map especially when you are learning. It could take you 2 months or more to make that from conception to release, map making in my experience always takes way longer than i anticipate at the start.
Greetings and welcome to mapster.
So you want to make that cool map. But don't forget that the editor is really hard. Im working on the data editor for years (helping to create marine arena and some other stuff) But even my, evil or who els don't master the editor completely. Most guys here are ''specialized ' on parts of the editor.
For example Drsuperevil Data, i do actors/custom sounds, Mozared terrain. Soufilcher (general) dds icons, Forsworne Models. ect.
Thats why that most popular mod have soo big team.
But i guess you need just the basics.
I shall answer how to do your idea's
Every Player Controlls a Hero he/she can choose:
you can do that easey if you have always the same hero on the same player slot. However its harder if you want that every player can choice his hero, whatever in witch slot he is in.
Players Must Defend Nuke Silo(Ghost Academy) fror x amount of time;
Thats Trigger work. Im very very bad with trigers.
Players earn minerals by killing zergs and can hire merc etc.
Data work.
Players earn gas by killing boss waves and can buy special stuff with it DMG UP,Armor UP etc ;
Trigger work.
Zerg Spawn over waves.
You need to set spawpoints. formerly you must trigger these spawpoints via triggers. But now you have a new tool called AI settings. With that you can set your waves. Its not very hard.
Selectable Diffculty which change the lenght (easy 30 min,normal 45 min,hard 60 min)
Trigger work, i guess. But don't forget that 60 min is very long. Most custom games are 15 min. But its your map.
GL with it.