Hello I need some help in crating an event. below is the defult settings when you click 'new action definition' in the trigger editor. All i changed was the Options: Event. does anyone know how to do this stuff? lol. my goal is to make an Event that fires when a unit is targeted. currently in the triggers i can only find things like unit is attacked, i want it before it is actually attacked. so any help is great, thank you.
Untitled Function 001
Options: Event
Return Type: Boolean
Grammar Text: Untitled Function 001()
Hint Text: (None)
Custom Script Code
Local Variables
Edit: OR would this be easier to do in the data editor rather than triggers?
also have a question about this trigger.
AI Advanced - Build 1 units of type Building in player 1's town -1 with priority 0 using build flags -1
What does "build flags" do or how they affect the trigger?
Hello I need some help in crating an event. below is the defult settings when you click 'new action definition' in the trigger editor. All i changed was the Options: Event. does anyone know how to do this stuff? lol. my goal is to make an Event that fires when a unit is targeted. currently in the triggers i can only find things like unit is attacked, i want it before it is actually attacked. so any help is great, thank you.
Untitled Function 001
Options: Event
Return Type: Boolean
Grammar Text: Untitled Function 001()
Hint Text: (None)
Custom Script Code
Local Variables
Edit: OR would this be easier to do in the data editor rather than triggers?
also have a question about this trigger.
AI Advanced - Build 1 units of type Building in player 1's town -1 with priority 0 using build flags -1
What does "build flags" do or how they affect the trigger?
@tdhsst: Go
You can use Unit Acquires Target (i think it's called). This is when a unit it targeted before it is attacked.
Thanks that works perfectly!