Is it possible to change the color of the water with a trigger?
Reason behind this question is I wanted to have the water become infected and rise as a sort of lava surge.
Well there is an action called "Set water state" and u can choose what kind of water u want to change to, but i could only find one option. But if u can change the water from say Agria to Char then u can modify the Char water by going in data editor and in the water tab u go to State + and change whatever u want.
Is it possible to change the color of the water with a trigger? Reason behind this question is I wanted to have the water become infected and rise as a sort of lava surge.
@admielke: Go
Well there is an action called "Set water state" and u can choose what kind of water u want to change to, but i could only find one option. But if u can change the water from say Agria to Char then u can modify the Char water by going in data editor and in the water tab u go to State + and change whatever u want.
Ok so if you go to State + you can click Add, next to State and created more states and then u can switch between these with the trigger