It could be that you are defining DualKill() somewhere below the location of this trigger. Try moving the custom script that DualKill() is in above the trigger that is calling it - that might work.
If you select a custom script page and look down at the very bottom, there should be a text field called something like "initialization function". This can be used to have a single function of type void() (no parameters) run right when the map starts.
Just put the name of the function in there. No need for the parantheses or semicolon.
@MasterWrath: Go
void DualKill() This is where the Action starts somehow in my part it saves (Kinda newbie here, 13 years of age and going for 14 this christmas)
gv_spreeSounds.lv_dualKillLag[libNtve_gf_KillingPlayer()] = true;
UIDisplayMessage(PlayerGroupActive(), c_messageAreaError,
libNtve_gf_ConvertPlayerColorToColor(PlayerGetColorIndex(libNtve_gf_KillingPlayer(), false))) +
gv_spreeSounds.lv_streakHeaders[1]), Color(100.00, 100.00, 100.00)));
SoundPlay(gv_spreeSounds.lv_dualKill, PlayerGroupActive(), 100.0, 0.0);
gv_spreeSounds.lv_dualKillLag[libNtve_gf_KillingPlayer()] = false;
Wait(7.0, c_timeGame);
gv_spreeSounds.lv_killStreaks[libNtve_gf_KillingPlayer()] = 0;
@Mugen245: Go
It could be that you are defining DualKill() somewhere below the location of this trigger. Try moving the custom script that DualKill() is in above the trigger that is calling it - that might work.
@MasterWrath: Go
What I did so far, My Original map gave me a Syntax Error.
@Mugen245: Go
I don't understand. What are you trying to do with this one?
@MasterWrath: Go
Activating a certain Custom Script within a Custom Script
@Mugen245: Go
If you select a custom script page and look down at the very bottom, there should be a text field called something like "initialization function". This can be used to have a single function of type void() (no parameters) run right when the map starts.
Just put the name of the function in there. No need for the parantheses or semicolon.
No I meant Running a Custom Script from another Custom Script' Sorry no offense.
@Mugen245: Go
Edit: Actually nvm what you are doing should be fine. Just put a semicolon after DualKill()