I need to create a beam between 2 units in triggers
I have 2 units reverenced in triggers Unit A and Unit B,
Isnt there i way to just create a beam with triggers, and then assign its launch and impact points?
i just need to create it, set its launch point to the weapon on unit A and set its impact point to the center of unit B, this is doable right?
Its actually part of a much bigger scheme of things in an ability, i can easily create beam between 2 units via data i need triggers for this particular scenario...
I need to create a beam between 2 units in triggers I have 2 units reverenced in triggers Unit A and Unit B,
Isnt there i way to just create a beam with triggers, and then assign its launch and impact points? i just need to create it, set its launch point to the weapon on unit A and set its impact point to the center of unit B, this is doable right?
Yes but why are you using the trigger editor to haphazardly cover what the data editor is designed to do?
I know beams are frustrating to work with, but this is bad practice.
@Eiviyn: Go
Its actually part of a much bigger scheme of things in an ability, i can easily create beam between 2 units via data i need triggers for this particular scenario...
order unit a to attack unit be with its weapon... or order it to use an ability
you may be able to just issued and Enviroment - effect unit to unit but that generally doesnt work when beams are involved
...i cant just set it up with triggers? the Unit A is occupied