I then made this function for converting a player to a unit group (the only difference is that the 3 parameters are unit groups, not points and whether or not they have default values set makes no difference.) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/convertplayertounitgrou.jpg/
This second one doesn't work - when I try to save I get the trigger error 'Implicit cast not allowed referring to the 'return [unit group]' triggers.
What is an implicit cast?
Why is it only effecting the second function if they are so similar?
I made this function for converting a player to a point. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/804/convertplayertopoint.jpg/
I then made this function for converting a player to a unit group (the only difference is that the 3 parameters are unit groups, not points and whether or not they have default values set makes no difference.) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/convertplayertounitgrou.jpg/ This second one doesn't work - when I try to save I get the trigger error 'Implicit cast not allowed referring to the 'return [unit group]' triggers.
What is an implicit cast? Why is it only effecting the second function if they are so similar?
EDIT-SOLVED: I had the return type set to point, [email protected]