How do I make a button greyed out exactly? I have an ability that cloaks my unit and another one that removes the cloak. I would like it so that when my cloak is activated the decloaking button becomes highlighted and when cloak is not on the "decloak" button is greyed out. I looked at the ghost setup and I can't mimic this because it's an ability "behavior" type and I have effect-instant type. Hence, i can't do the toggle option. I tried working with requirements, but it seems that there is not an option for making it so that in order to be able to use decloak you need cloak activated. Unless I'm wrong. Please anyone got any suggestions?
Count Behavior is an option for requirements. Put it under the Use node if you want the button to be greyed out when the requirement is not met, and the Show node if you want the button to disappear when the requirement is not met.
Count Behavior is an option for requirements. Put it under the Use node if you want the button to be greyed out when the requirement is not met, and the Show node if you want the button to disappear when the requirement is not met.
On the requirements I have it set to Count behavior "invisible" what should the state be?
Ok so it's "In progress or better at unit" But now i've run into another problem. There are 5 levels of my "invisibility" How do I add all 5 count behaviors? It seems to only hold a max of two?
How do I make a button greyed out exactly? I have an ability that cloaks my unit and another one that removes the cloak. I would like it so that when my cloak is activated the decloaking button becomes highlighted and when cloak is not on the "decloak" button is greyed out. I looked at the ghost setup and I can't mimic this because it's an ability "behavior" type and I have effect-instant type. Hence, i can't do the toggle option. I tried working with requirements, but it seems that there is not an option for making it so that in order to be able to use decloak you need cloak activated. Unless I'm wrong. Please anyone got any suggestions?
@Etravex: Go
goto the cloak behavior modifications+ field, set it to disable the "cloak ability" and to enable the "decloaking ability" etc....
Count Behavior is an option for requirements. Put it under the Use node if you want the button to be greyed out when the requirement is not met, and the Show node if you want the button to disappear when the requirement is not met.
On the requirements I have it set to Count behavior "invisible" what should the state be?
@Etravex: Go
Ok so it's "In progress or better at unit" But now i've run into another problem. There are 5 levels of my "invisibility" How do I add all 5 count behaviors? It seems to only hold a max of two?
@Etravex: Go
Use an Or node.
@RileyStarcraft: Go
You my friend are a genius