I want to make a metamorphosis spell as an ulti for a hero in my map. By metamorphosis i mean the metamorphosis spell from wc3.
The spell should alter stats, like giving more damage, hp, and magic immunity. In addition, it should change the model and increase its size. All this should only be for a duration, when that duration ends, it should all go back to normal.
Atm I pretty much know how to change the stats and everything, and i am somewhat familiar to actors. But i do not know how to completely swap models for a duration.
Help would be highly appreciated! <3
EDIT1: I found an actor action called ModelSwap, is this what i need to use?
Instead of using the ability actor, i used the unit actor.
Behavior.mybehavior.On: Modelswap-Queen
Behavoir.mybehavior.Off: Modelswap-Roach (my original model was the roach, so now it switches back to the original model)
I have one question about this however. Does my Behavior.Off event cause my model to constantly swap to Roach while the behavior is off or does it only trigger once when the behavior turns off? Ty!
EDIT1: Ouch, just came across a major flaw with this. When i use this spell, the queen model walk a few steps, and then just start gliding (making movement in frozen stand animation) until i start a new move command or an attack command. In addition, when ive used this spell several times on the same map-try, the roach model wont even start its walk animation, but glides all the time.
I want to make a metamorphosis spell as an ulti for a hero in my map. By metamorphosis i mean the metamorphosis spell from wc3.
The spell should alter stats, like giving more damage, hp, and magic immunity. In addition, it should change the model and increase its size. All this should only be for a duration, when that duration ends, it should all go back to normal.
Atm I pretty much know how to change the stats and everything, and i am somewhat familiar to actors. But i do not know how to completely swap models for a duration.
Help would be highly appreciated! <3
EDIT1: I found an actor action called ModelSwap, is this what i need to use?
Okay i think i've solved it!
Instead of using the ability actor, i used the unit actor.
Behavior.mybehavior.On: Modelswap-Queen
Behavoir.mybehavior.Off: Modelswap-Roach (my original model was the roach, so now it switches back to the original model)
I have one question about this however. Does my Behavior.Off event cause my model to constantly swap to Roach while the behavior is off or does it only trigger once when the behavior turns off? Ty!
EDIT1: Ouch, just came across a major flaw with this. When i use this spell, the queen model walk a few steps, and then just start gliding (making movement in frozen stand animation) until i start a new move command or an attack command. In addition, when ive used this spell several times on the same map-try, the roach model wont even start its walk animation, but glides all the time.