I have two different Probes in my map - one Probe that warps in Protoss structures, and one Probe that warps in Purifier structures.
When a Probe warps in a Protoss structure, the ordinary blue glowing ball appears on the ground, called ProtossBuild.m3, as a way to indicate the construction process. That is determined by (at least) two Actors, called Protoss Building Birth and Protoss Construction Attached.
I am attempting to make the Purifier Probe have an orange glowing ball appear on the ground, when warping in a Purifier structure. That requires a new Actor and model.
Here is what I have done:
I have duplicated the Actor Protoss Building Birth and the model Protoss Building Birth, because I found that they are the ones that determine how the graphic look when a Protoss building is being constructed.
In the Event field of the new Protoss Building Birth, I have added UnitConstruction.Gateway.Start.Create, which means that this Actor should play when a Probe is starting the construction of a Gateway.
Additionally, I have duplicated the Actor Protoss Construction Attached and linked it to the new Protoss Building Birth Actor.
All in all, I have duplicated two Actors, linked them to each other and to the Gateway just as the original Actors are linked... but still, no animation appear in-game... I have also looked at the Gateway Actor Events, but everything is in order...
Yes, I have tried different models in the new Actors, including the ordinary ProtossBuild.m3. No model whatsoever appear in-game when I use the two new Actors that I duplicated
I searched around for other potential Events in Actors that could influence the Protoss building animation, but found none... So I just re-did the process as I described in the opening post, where I duplicated the two Actors and changed their Events... And all of a sudden it works just fine... The two Actors are set up exactly like before and now they work... O_o ... No idea what was wrong the first time..
For anyone who finds this thread in the future, just do as I have done in my opening post and cross your fingers that it will work... ^^
In this way you will be able to have two different Protoss build animations. Don't forget to go the Events in the Actor Protoss Building Birth and remove whatever structure there that you DON'T want to have the normal blue Protoss build animation. (Instead add that structure to the Events of the Actor of your new Protoss build animation)
I have two different Probes in my map - one Probe that warps in Protoss structures, and one Probe that warps in Purifier structures.
When a Probe warps in a Protoss structure, the ordinary blue glowing ball appears on the ground, called ProtossBuild.m3, as a way to indicate the construction process. That is determined by (at least) two Actors, called Protoss Building Birth and Protoss Construction Attached.
I am attempting to make the Purifier Probe have an orange glowing ball appear on the ground, when warping in a Purifier structure. That requires a new Actor and model.
Here is what I have done:
I have duplicated the Actor Protoss Building Birth and the model Protoss Building Birth, because I found that they are the ones that determine how the graphic look when a Protoss building is being constructed.
In the Event field of the new Protoss Building Birth, I have added UnitConstruction.Gateway.Start.Create, which means that this Actor should play when a Probe is starting the construction of a Gateway.
Additionally, I have duplicated the Actor Protoss Construction Attached and linked it to the new Protoss Building Birth Actor.
All in all, I have duplicated two Actors, linked them to each other and to the Gateway just as the original Actors are linked... but still, no animation appear in-game... I have also looked at the Gateway Actor Events, but everything is in order...
Any ideas what the problem can be?
You checked your new model has those animations?
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
Yes, I have tried different models in the new Actors, including the ordinary ProtossBuild.m3. No model whatsoever appear in-game when I use the two new Actors that I duplicated
Checked all actor events? The Unit Actor appearing normally when built?
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
I searched around for other potential Events in Actors that could influence the Protoss building animation, but found none... So I just re-did the process as I described in the opening post, where I duplicated the two Actors and changed their Events... And all of a sudden it works just fine... The two Actors are set up exactly like before and now they work... O_o ... No idea what was wrong the first time..
For anyone who finds this thread in the future, just do as I have done in my opening post and cross your fingers that it will work... ^^
In this way you will be able to have two different Protoss build animations. Don't forget to go the Events in the Actor Protoss Building Birth and remove whatever structure there that you DON'T want to have the normal blue Protoss build animation. (Instead add that structure to the Events of the Actor of your new Protoss build animation)