You cannot specify that in the unit, but you can easily apply the stacks some way, via trigger or with an effect executed when training the unit, or with another buff executing an initial effect...
That is actually useful. For people who want to know how I do it now (initial buff stack). I create a buff that expires in 1 second. The expire effect will call apply behavior which uses the behavior count.
Sounds like a useful source to be able to see open source sotis. Thanks for info!
Is it possible to set the amount of buff (able to stack to 100) amount at the start to be a value? If so, how do i do it?
Eg: I want a unit when created, it will have 10 buff stacks on it.
You cannot specify that in the unit, but you can easily apply the stacks some way, via trigger or with an effect executed when training the unit, or with another buff executing an initial effect...
Thanks for the help. How I wish there was a way to set the stack amount by default.
It could' Somehow with my Theory'
Its a Behavior Flag which shows the Behavior stack right?
Try applying 2 behaviors with Flags < Behavior Buttons on.
Probably it will work' Or if it won't there's an Open Source Sotis' somewhere here in SC2mapster.
Since some recent patch there is the Unit: Effect field. Just use an Apply Behavior effect that has the Effect: Behavior Count field set to 10.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
That is actually useful. For people who want to know how I do it now (initial buff stack). I create a buff that expires in 1 second. The expire effect will call apply behavior which uses the behavior count.
@Mugen245 Sounds like a useful source to be able to see open source sotis. Thanks for info!
@DrSuperEvil: Go
Thanks dude. :D