This is probably a very easy task for most but i have been trying a long time now but just cant get it to work.
I have a "teleport to base" ability that is an instant ability that create a search effect. It looks for the closest base unit and cast a persistent with an offset on the location. The persistent then use a teleport effect that teleport the unit to the base.
The ability work perfect.
I want a sound effect the be cast the moment the unit teleport to the base and i want the sound effect to take place from the spot i casted the ability. As it is right now i take place on the unit after it have teleported and no mater what i change it will still play at the unit.
How the sound actor supposed to look like? Where have i gone wrong?
either use a dummy effect as trieva suggested or use a persistant with a short delay at sourcePOINT which triggers the sound and the rest of the effect chain. inside the actor you have to add an argument AT EFFECT
This is probably a very easy task for most but i have been trying a long time now but just cant get it to work.
I have a "teleport to base" ability that is an instant ability that create a search effect. It looks for the closest base unit and cast a persistent with an offset on the location. The persistent then use a teleport effect that teleport the unit to the base.
The ability work perfect.
I want a sound effect the be cast the moment the unit teleport to the base and i want the sound effect to take place from the spot i casted the ability. As it is right now i take place on the unit after it have teleported and no mater what i change it will still play at the unit.
How the sound actor supposed to look like? Where have i gone wrong?
either use a dummy effect as trieva suggested or use a persistant with a short delay at sourcePOINT which triggers the sound and the rest of the effect chain. inside the actor you have to add an argument AT EFFECT
So Ability > persistent > search > persistent > teleport
or.... Ability > search > set > 2x persistent > teleport
With the two x persistent i should be able to create one at caster and one at target and have the sound trigger at the persistent at caster?
There are more ways of killing a dog than by hanging.
you just need any effect at the sourcePoint and link that effect inside the actor.
- At Effect
The things i just types did work however i did some more testing and found a option that was very important.
Fog visibility had to be changed or else the sound did not play when i did teleport away because it was fog there then.