Apply a behavior on the unit that does a periodic Search Effect every 0.0625 seconds. The search should filter Missiles and Visible as requirements. The effect that the search applies would be either a Launch Missile effect that can only hit missile weapons, or a Damage effect that can kill missile weapons. \
Again, Point Defense Drone as your point of reference.
Period : 0.0625
Period Count : -1
Periodic Effect : Search Area
Search Area effect
Arc : 360
Area + : X Radius, -1 Count, LaunchMissile or Damage effect
Filters : Requires Missile, Visible, EXCLUDE: Ally, Neutral, Player (or else it will also destroy yours or your allies missiles)
i need a passive ability that always kills all lasers and missiles that past near a unit.
i m extremely noob in data. and learning is slow. i will gladly refer to documents relating to what i want i am capable of learning.
please help
Take a look at the point defense drone
but doesn't that only attack some things not all? it also looks like a weapon?
Apply a behavior on the unit that does a periodic Search Effect every 0.0625 seconds. The search should filter Missiles and Visible as requirements. The effect that the search applies would be either a Launch Missile effect that can only hit missile weapons, or a Damage effect that can kill missile weapons. \
Again, Point Defense Drone as your point of reference.
ok so now that we got this working there might be somthing else u can help with