I've got a bit of an issue here and I'm at the end of my rope. Near as I can figure I've made it correctly but it just isn't working.
Background: This is a map like WarCraft 3's Genesis of Empires, only a little bit more appealing to the masses. It however is going to retain the Genesis of Empires Road Mechanics that made the map special to a lot of players.
Here's the general idea. Tax income (gas) is dictated by "population" on a certain capturable building. However you can build other structures that will affect the population growth, max population and in some cases a tax multiplier. Minerals are trees (that all works fine, including harvesting. I've been working with the guy making the 3dmax tools and he tells me both my issues with these models will be solved in the next tool update). I've managed to come up with a new amphibious system that plays like WarCraft 3's did (no more of that "bump" players experienced going from land to water in WW2 Diplo).
In genesis of empires you could do a mix of building these affecting structures right next to the house (in my case a capturable town - no house building) for it to grow in population. Or you could connect it by road. What road let you do is not only share the bonuses more evenly around the houses but also stack a far higher count of buildings that gave bonuses onto the same house. Basically a quasi base-building/diplomacy game.
If this can be fixed then Drac and I ought to be able to do the rest of the map.
As I said I'm pretty much at the end of my rope. I cannot see what is wrong here. I have tried doing it without the behavior durations and periods and its the same issue so I'm pretty sure thats not the cause.
Also taking away the validator that compares behaviors doesn't change anything (although each "road tile" gives the buff to every other one in range if its gone) it still has the same issue. I am starting to think that there is something screwy going on here with how the behaviors stack.
50 Max energy is the default. I was simply using it for reference on how many times the behavior was stacking.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this issue?
When the various fields are combined it becomes infinitely harder to spot the cause.
For a start I see you failed to look at the response I gave to your PM. Obvious mistake you would have spotted if you had looked at the community project power system is your initial effect lacks a Create Persistent effect to act as a delay. You cannot have chained self relicating behaviours without a 0.0016 sec delay between them replicating (Infinite events divided by 0 is bad for lag).
I tried an active system and I had a friend of mine and i tried tested it out and turns out we need a passive system.
Got that working, was pretty much the same stuff. But I need to be able to detect whether the "farm" or the unit that starts the very beginning of the chain is still alive. If its not then I need to it clear the behavior from all of the "road segments".
Well I found out how to aquire the unit that started the effect chain..
And I have new shit for the wiki now:
Here is my example: Farms put a buff on roads.
So what I did is created a validator that checked for the farm.
Here is the tricky part.
I set the following values:
Other Unit +: Persistant chain effect : Source (this picks up the most recent caster of this effect down this particular chain. Mutliple chains exist in the road network).
Unit +: My apply buff effect : Outer (This picks up the first caster in the effect chain of that effect. This returns the farm in my case).
And thn Value: Farm
I think I'm pretty close because I set the uni to firebat instead of farm and it returned false (ie removed the behavior) but works for farm and there is only 1 farm involved and that is the one that starts the effect chain.
Right now I'm trying to find the particular validator that will return whether the farm is alive or dead.
Unit Filter for dead doesn't pick up the unit when it dies. But behavior count did.
The "Other+" unit seems to be a compair reference field.
In my example its referencing the last caster of that particular effect. Ie "source".
Then the apply buff effect references the initial caster of the effect (outer and caster outer). That effect is used over and over again and my tests show "outer" returns the initial unit.
Another desription of "other" would be "in relation to this"
So like: "Validate <Field> on 'Target Unit' in relation to 'Other Unit'".
This seems to be usefull in my paricular situation. There can be 20+ stacked buffs. But, unless you want to use 20 seperate behaviors, is seems that the game cannot tell which of the "stacks" you are refering to. "Other: Effect - Caster" along with "Target: Effect - Outer" tells the behavior validator that its validating the behavior with that "stack index" (for lack of a better term) on that unit that was the last "caster" of that particular effect. This seems to help the game identify which particular "effect chain" the validator is refering to. Then I just had it return the "outer" unit (aka original caster) that caste that effect on the now identified effect chain.
Edit: Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to validate that the outer unit and the source unit are within a distance of 10 from each other.
Hello all,
I've got a bit of an issue here and I'm at the end of my rope. Near as I can figure I've made it correctly but it just isn't working.
Background: This is a map like WarCraft 3's Genesis of Empires, only a little bit more appealing to the masses. It however is going to retain the Genesis of Empires Road Mechanics that made the map special to a lot of players.
Here is some screen shots to show whats going on: http://photobucket.com/FockeWulfIssues
Here's the general idea. Tax income (gas) is dictated by "population" on a certain capturable building. However you can build other structures that will affect the population growth, max population and in some cases a tax multiplier. Minerals are trees (that all works fine, including harvesting. I've been working with the guy making the 3dmax tools and he tells me both my issues with these models will be solved in the next tool update). I've managed to come up with a new amphibious system that plays like WarCraft 3's did (no more of that "bump" players experienced going from land to water in WW2 Diplo).
In genesis of empires you could do a mix of building these affecting structures right next to the house (in my case a capturable town - no house building) for it to grow in population. Or you could connect it by road. What road let you do is not only share the bonuses more evenly around the houses but also stack a far higher count of buildings that gave bonuses onto the same house. Basically a quasi base-building/diplomacy game.
And just an FYI the WarCraft 3 models, once I get the bugs ironed out that I'm told will be fixed in the next 3dmax .m3 export tools (see one of my controbutions to both site and community here: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/artist-tavern/39949-how-to-prevent-imported-models-not-being-selectable/#p5) I'm going to put all of the models up on one of the community sites (see here http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/sc2-resources-675/warcraft-3-mortar-team-215657/?prev=r%3D20).
So anyways here are the mechanics copy n pastes:
If this can be fixed then Drac and I ought to be able to do the rest of the map.
As I said I'm pretty much at the end of my rope. I cannot see what is wrong here. I have tried doing it without the behavior durations and periods and its the same issue so I'm pretty sure thats not the cause.
Also taking away the validator that compares behaviors doesn't change anything (although each "road tile" gives the buff to every other one in range if its gone) it still has the same issue. I am starting to think that there is something screwy going on here with how the behaviors stack.
50 Max energy is the default. I was simply using it for reference on how many times the behavior was stacking.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this issue?
If you have to give pages of data at least use the editor standards found in the wiki forum.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
So you won't look at it?
I'm not gonna bother formatting something the person won't even take a look at.
When the various fields are combined it becomes infinitely harder to spot the cause.
For a start I see you failed to look at the response I gave to your PM. Obvious mistake you would have spotted if you had looked at the community project power system is your initial effect lacks a Create Persistent effect to act as a delay. You cannot have chained self relicating behaviours without a 0.0016 sec delay between them replicating (Infinite events divided by 0 is bad for lag).
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
@DrSuperEvil: Go
Ok, I played around with the presistant since I saw the project (my searches before never turned it up), this was posted yesterday (my TZ).
Thanks for taking a look at it!
Nvm, Figured it out.
And I have something to add to the sc2mapster wiki:
The other+ field for validators is the unit the effect or behavior or ability is referenced from.
Ie in some cases when you compair a field for a target unit you need to link the source unit the action is coming from.
Well now I've got a new problems.
I tried an active system and I had a friend of mine and i tried tested it out and turns out we need a passive system.
Got that working, was pretty much the same stuff. But I need to be able to detect whether the "farm" or the unit that starts the very beginning of the chain is still alive. If its not then I need to it clear the behavior from all of the "road segments".
Any ideas?
Well I found out how to aquire the unit that started the effect chain..
And I have new shit for the wiki now:
Here is my example: Farms put a buff on roads.
So what I did is created a validator that checked for the farm.
Here is the tricky part.
I set the following values:
Other Unit +: Persistant chain effect : Source (this picks up the most recent caster of this effect down this particular chain. Mutliple chains exist in the road network).
Unit +: My apply buff effect : Outer (This picks up the first caster in the effect chain of that effect. This returns the farm in my case).
And thn Value: Farm
I think I'm pretty close because I set the uni to firebat instead of farm and it returned false (ie removed the behavior) but works for farm and there is only 1 farm involved and that is the one that starts the effect chain.
Right now I'm trying to find the particular validator that will return whether the farm is alive or dead.
Wiki already says what source is in more recent articles.
So the Other unit is like the include field for searches?
Use a Unit Filter validator for the alive/dead
Outer picks up more than just caster.
As each farm has a different marker for the effect tree that should not be an issue as long as the stack allows only 1 stack per caster.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
@DrSuperEvil: Go
Unit Filter for dead doesn't pick up the unit when it dies. But behavior count did.
The "Other+" unit seems to be a compair reference field.
In my example its referencing the last caster of that particular effect. Ie "source".
Then the apply buff effect references the initial caster of the effect (outer and caster outer). That effect is used over and over again and my tests show "outer" returns the initial unit.
Another desription of "other" would be "in relation to this"
So like: "Validate <Field> on 'Target Unit' in relation to 'Other Unit'".
This seems to be usefull in my paricular situation. There can be 20+ stacked buffs. But, unless you want to use 20 seperate behaviors, is seems that the game cannot tell which of the "stacks" you are refering to. "Other: Effect - Caster" along with "Target: Effect - Outer" tells the behavior validator that its validating the behavior with that "stack index" (for lack of a better term) on that unit that was the last "caster" of that particular effect. This seems to help the game identify which particular "effect chain" the validator is refering to. Then I just had it return the "outer" unit (aka original caster) that caste that effect on the now identified effect chain.
Edit: Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to validate that the outer unit and the source unit are within a distance of 10 from each other.
Use a Location Range validator which refers to the effect applying the buff.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?