If you want it to come down in 5, here are the exact numbers you should be using ( I used these numbers to make the video below)
Nuke (Persitent)
Initial Delay :: 3.7
Expire - Effect :: Nuke (Detonate)
Nuke (Detonate) This is a Persistent Effect aswell
Initial Delay :: 1.3
Initial - Effect :: Nuke (Damage)
Rising Nuke :: Animation Set Time Scale 1.2
Dropping Nuke :: No need for an animation time scale... but IF the timing is off, set it to 1.0(Mine has a AnimSetTimeScale 1.0 for this... I forget why. Either it was for a reason, or its just a copy/paste from Rising Nuke(aka redundant))
Your title here...
I wannt the nuke to come down in 5 secoonds. Does anyone knoow how?
Im pretty skilled at making maps but could figuure out this one
the delays of the persistent effects
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
There are two, intial delay in two of the effects and also Expire delay.
Lessing the number for both does not reduce the nuke time
You talking about the animation of the missile coming down? If so then use the Animation Set Time Scale event.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
@DrSuperEvil: Go
If you want it to come down in 5, here are the exact numbers you should be using ( I used these numbers to make the video below)
@BorgDragon: Go
Is that from the community project?
@grenegg: Go
Yes it is.