So I can't see any way that this is possible but I'm sure it must be.
I have 1 unit (Barracks).
I have another unit (Calldown Tower) with an effect-target call-down ability (just like the mule) that calls down a Marine.
I have set the barracks to create the Drop Pod Rising model and no unit when Marine training is complete. This works fine.
Instead of the Marine spawning when training completes, I would like to modify the ability charge on the Calldown Tower (+1).
So effectively, the Marines are trained from the Barracks and instantly 'launched off the map'. They can then be dropped at any location via the Calldown Tower.
The Calldown Tower has an ability with a Modify Unit Effect to increase the Marine Call-Down charges simply by setting the 'Charges Use' to -1, effectively adding a charge. So one ability charges up another. This works fine when both abilities are used by the Calldown Tower.
Upgrades can be used to modify charges but only 'max', 'start' and 'use'. I want to add a charge to the current available charges.
This is what I've been looking into.
- A way of adding charges automatically (upon completion of a particular training ability command) but adding the charge to the Calldown Tower, not the Barracks.
I don't think this is possible.
I think that a better option would be to issue an order to the Calldown Tower to use an ability with an Effect - Modify Unit and increase the charge. I know this ability works. It's getting it to auto-cast upon completion of a training ability by a separate unit that has totally stumped me.
EDIT: Perhaps auto-cast options on the Calldown Tower's increase charge ability?
I want to add a charge to one an ability, upon completion of a training ability by a separate unit.
Or issue an ability command order to a unit, upon completion of a training ability by a separate unit.
While I am making an effort to explore the data editor and reference SC2Mapster, I am still somewhat of a noob.
I enter the 'add charge' effect into the 'info effect' field below the 'info unit' field in the 'Train marine' ability command of the Barracks - Train ability.
The effect is type - Modify Unit with the 'calldown marine' ability selected, a usage charge count of -1 and player value - 'player origin'
With the ability command, I have tried locations Global and Player with no success.
Are you quite sure that making a train ability add charges to an effect target ability on a seperate unit is that easy? The vulture replenishes its own , not those of another unit. I referenced that ability when making the add charge ability for the Calldown Tower.
Quote from DrSuperEvil:
just make the charges be shared globally by a player and have your ability use a Modify Unit effect like the vulture spidermine replenish.
Fankly this seemed a little cryptic, verging on terse.
I've attached a mod file with the Calldown Tower and relevant units. Type 'MTU' in the terrain editor units tab to find the custom units. The Calldown Tower is named 'Requisition tower'. This mod may not have the settings stated above but it has all necessary parts. The increase charge effects are called ''add 1...''
If you can make the charges on that Requisition tower increase every time a unit is trained from any Barracks of the same player then I'll buy you an ice cream :) If not then you sir shall have to eat your hat.
Charges of several abilities can be linked using the charge link and location fields. If linked among the player then increasing one on one unit increases the amount on all. Charges can be shared between abilities of different types.
In short have a dummy ability that is hidden on the unit that shares charges with the ability of interest and then have your other ability recharge that using the Modify Unit effect.
As the Modify Unit effect of the vulture is a good example i would recommend looking at it. I advise having your data editor set to these standards.
Se the real issue here was increasing the charge count after the unit has finished training. The key is the 'Specialize' ability type, this is what the Vulture uses. It basically enables you to que an effect. I made a new Ability of type Specialize and input all the cost and timing info of the Marine with the 'charge increase' effect in the effect field.
I then made a dummy train ability that was modified by the specialize ability and also linked to my Calldown ability on the seperate unit.
Thank's for your help mister SuperEvil sir.
just make the charges be shared globally by a player and have your ability use a Modify Unit effect like the vulture spidermine replenish.
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Charges of several abilities can be linked using the charge link and location fields. If linked among the player then increasing one on one unit increases the amount on all. Charges can be shared between abilities of different types.
In short have a dummy ability that is hidden on the unit that shares charges with the ability of interest and then have your other ability recharge that using the Modify Unit effect.
As the Modify Unit effect of the vulture is a good example i would recommend looking at it. I advise having your data editor set to these standards.
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Now that aspect of the specialize ability I did not know.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?