Under the Set Tint Color action you find a field called HDR, this increases the base brightness and can be used to compensate for lowering the most commonly used colour of the model. As for changing the textures of units, look at the tutorial and maybe picture referenced in my signature. It uses the same principle as the campaign protoss structures for becoming dark protoss structures by using the Texture Select By ID action
Is it possible to switch R and B color channels of the model?
Because when I try to change tint color of blue model to red, it gives black model, because FF0000 x 0000FF -> 000000...
Or maybe there is a way to make a model totally white and then change tint color?
Tried increasing the HDR? Considered just giving it a texture swap?
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
What are these HDR and texture swap?
Oh, just found the HDR thing, it worked, thanks!
Under the Set Tint Color action you find a field called HDR, this increases the base brightness and can be used to compensate for lowering the most commonly used colour of the model. As for changing the textures of units, look at the tutorial and maybe picture referenced in my signature. It uses the same principle as the campaign protoss structures for becoming dark protoss structures by using the Texture Select By ID action
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?