I made a custom queen and a custom destructible rock but no matter what i do the queen can pass right through the rocks, and I'm also having an attack animation with the queen, she raises her claws up and keeps them there while moving her legs but she does damage. One more problem, her first attack never does damage but every attack after does. Thanks in advance.
Unless you did something weird and the queen is passing through other units as well, the queen should be fine. It sounds like your custom destructible rocks don't have the right footprint set. Footprints are attached to stationary objects like buildings and destructible rocks and basically map out of the collision for that unit.
I made a custom queen and a custom destructible rock but no matter what i do the queen can pass right through the rocks, and I'm also having an attack animation with the queen, she raises her claws up and keeps them there while moving her legs but she does damage. One more problem, her first attack never does damage but every attack after does. Thanks in advance.
@NukedPenguin: Go
Unless you did something weird and the queen is passing through other units as well, the queen should be fine. It sounds like your custom destructible rocks don't have the right footprint set. Footprints are attached to stationary objects like buildings and destructible rocks and basically map out of the collision for that unit.
Have you also checked the interact radaii under the movement sections of the units data type?
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