The lp_playerNum is just what player you want to do this for, the c_cameraValueDistance tells it to set the distance value to whichever, and IntToFixed(lv_newZoom) is the distance to use. The rest you can leave alone. Odd the second try didn't work, you may just need to use a different flavor of that particular function.
and the thing is i'd like to set the height to lets say 10(map height units) but like to make this for all players (8 total) in 1 script and I'd like to make the zooming out to got about 15 (map Hieght)
On Zandoze's tip this is what I made:
Camera - Apply camera object Height Offset 15.0 for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity and 10.0% deceleration
Could not find " Heght of UnittoFollow" and again i need this to go off for all 8 players without 8 separate triggers..
I appologize for my ignorance on this but fairly new to triggers (specially camera stuff)
@zandose: Go
Could not find " Heght of UnittoFollow" and again i need this to go off for all 8 players without 8 separate triggers..
"Heght of (some unit)" is a function
"UnittoFollow" is simple a variable containing the unit.
As for one script for all players:
UntitledTrigger001EventsTimer-Elapsedtimeis1.0GameTimesecondsLocalVariablesVariable.Units=NoUnit<Unit[8]>ConditionsActions------- You need to assign the players unit to the variableVariable-SetVariable.Units[1]=Marine[104.00,148.21]------- PlayerGroup-Pickeachplayerin(ActivePlayers)anddo(Actions)ActionsCamera-ApplycameraobjectHeightOffset((HeightofVariable.Units[(Pickedplayer)])+1.0)forplayer(Pickedplayer)over0.0secondswithExistingVelocity%initialvelocityand10.0%deceleration
I tried it out and it does what it supposed to, but this wasn't what i had in mind, but it helped me to achive what I originaly wanted to do:
to be able to zoom out far wich i did simply by cahnging the camera zoom distance in data editor.
Sorry for wasting your time by not explaining it properly!
The camera is constructed in a wierd way. You have the target point, which is a xy point. From that point you have a vector (line) that goes to the camera. The distance determines the length of this vector, so you can manipulate the height this way. This means, if the camera is looking down from above (top down) the "distance" is the ยด"experienced heeight". If you tilt the camera the "distance" will be the same but the "experienced height" will be smaller. Another way of manipulating the height of the camera is to change the height offset. This changes the z-value in the target point. This pushes the camera up in the air.
Hello I'm woundering how to change the default cameras height ?
Tried to change it in the triggers :
Camera - Set (Default game camera) Field Of View to 300.0
and tried :
Camera - Set (Default game camera) Distance to 300.0
None of this worked!
Help!! :(
@ElBushido: Go
Not sure what the GUI version looks like, but try using this as a custom script:
CameraSetValue(lp_playerNum, c_cameraValueDistance, IntToFixed(lv_newZoom), 0.0, -1, 10);
The lp_playerNum is just what player you want to do this for, the c_cameraValueDistance tells it to set the distance value to whichever, and IntToFixed(lv_newZoom) is the distance to use. The rest you can leave alone. Odd the second try didn't work, you may just need to use a different flavor of that particular function.
Your looking for something like this.
@zandose: Go
Hi guys !
First of all thx for the replys!
Now I tried DeadZergling's approach, I probably made some mistakes as it doesnt work, it looks like this:
CameraSetValue(lp_player1), c_camera300Distance, IntToFixed(lv_100), 0.0, -1, 10);
and the thing is i'd like to set the height to lets say 10(map height units) but like to make this for all players (8 total) in 1 script and I'd like to make the zooming out to got about 15 (map Hieght)
On Zandoze's tip this is what I made:
Camera - Apply camera object Height Offset 15.0 for player 1 over 0.0 seconds with Existing Velocity% initial velocity and 10.0% deceleration
Could not find " Heght of UnittoFollow" and again i need this to go off for all 8 players without 8 separate triggers..
I appologize for my ignorance on this but fairly new to triggers (specially camera stuff)
Thx guys!
I don't have the time right now to go into detail beyond this...
"Heght of (some unit)" is a function
"UnittoFollow" is simple a variable containing the unit.
As for one script for all players:
@zandose: Go
Thx a lot!
The only problem I have is that I cant add the "+1.0" part if I give a math to it itll take away the "height of " part..
Take a look at this map for a idea of how it works. If you still have problems you know where to find me.
@zandose: Go
Thanks very much for your effort!!
I tried it out and it does what it supposed to, but this wasn't what i had in mind, but it helped me to achive what I originaly wanted to do: to be able to zoom out far wich i did simply by cahnging the camera zoom distance in data editor.
Sorry for wasting your time by not explaining it properly!
Many thanks for your help !!!!
Why are you using triggers....
Data -> Camera ( in the tabs like units , actors, effects etc.. ) -> default camera
@Selfcreation: Go
No idea. The first post looked like it used trigger's so i followed suit. Didn't even look at the section it was in until later and got no complaints.
The camera is constructed in a wierd way. You have the target point, which is a xy point. From that point you have a vector (line) that goes to the camera. The distance determines the length of this vector, so you can manipulate the height this way. This means, if the camera is looking down from above (top down) the "distance" is the ยด"experienced heeight". If you tilt the camera the "distance" will be the same but the "experienced height" will be smaller. Another way of manipulating the height of the camera is to change the height offset. This changes the z-value in the target point. This pushes the camera up in the air.
Confused? Take a look at the image below.