Okay so a mod I am working on has alternative default starting units (alternate nexus, cc, hatchery, etc) and more races (sorta). The problem I am having is the default victory/defeat/reveal conditions only detect the standard Command center, nexus, etc.
So how can I set up a unit (or triggers) to enable more main structures for the reveal condition.
Okay so a mod I am working on has alternative default starting units (alternate nexus, cc, hatchery, etc) and more races (sorta). The problem I am having is the default victory/defeat/reveal conditions only detect the standard Command center, nexus, etc.
So how can I set up a unit (or triggers) to enable more main structures for the reveal condition.
@T0ssWarr1or: Go
isn't that all stored in the data editor - game settings ?
That's defined in the unit flags.
For example, "Prevents reveal" prevents you from revealing all structures to your enemies, for example.