Model selection became broken after importing it to 3dsMax and exporting it back to M3. There is a kind of a strange area at the bottom left of the model(red zone on picture), clicking on which at nothing we can select the model. How to fix this?
Im using 3dsMax 2010 and latest M3 exporter/importer.
Actually, bounding sphere makes model parts visible when the sphere is within the view of the game camera.
Fuzzy hit test decides the area of selection by click.
I suspect, there was a version of mx exporter in which there was only bounding sphere which was interpreted as hit tests too, so everybofy thinks it's bounding sphere decides the area of click.
For import I use m3 importer with max2010, then save as .max file, and open it with max2011 with art tools installed in it. There you would need to scale the model 100x times, reimplement the material, fix animations if needed. But if it's a building and animations aren't important or aren't exist, it's better to import without bones, because thee are useless.
Model selection became broken after importing it to 3dsMax and exporting it back to M3. There is a kind of a strange area at the bottom left of the model(red zone on picture), clicking on which at nothing we can select the model. How to fix this?
Im using 3dsMax 2010 and latest M3 exporter/importer.
Pls check bounding sphere. May be too large or is skewed.
@Kailniris2: Go
Actually, bounding sphere makes model parts visible when the sphere is within the view of the game camera.
Fuzzy hit test decides the area of selection by click.
I suspect, there was a version of mx exporter in which there was only bounding sphere which was interpreted as hit tests too, so everybofy thinks it's bounding sphere decides the area of click.
@Dzuke911: Go
I recommend to use Art Tools. There you can define everything correctly.
Also, note, that your model misses specular map. And normal map. If you want it to look good, add them.
@Kailniris2: Go
model with bounding sphere. Is it ok, or should i change it`s scale?
@Zolden: Go
But there is no import in art tools at all. Am i right?
For import I use m3 importer with max2010, then save as .max file, and open it with max2011 with art tools installed in it. There you would need to scale the model 100x times, reimplement the material, fix animations if needed. But if it's a building and animations aren't important or aren't exist, it's better to import without bones, because thee are useless.
@Zolden: Go
Thx for tips, ill try it.
Always the selection offset SOp for emergencies.
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