This custom skill supossely will be like this: Caster Launch Karass Missile and when hit the ground appears the model "ProtossSummoning" and some seconds later appear 4 zealots. Its a chanelled ability. Can some1 help doing this?
The channeling time is set under the ability, use an Effect - Target ability, use the battlecruiser yamato gun as a guide for what fields you might want to change under cooldown, stats and UI. For the effects you want a Launch Missile effect with Effect - Impact Effect linked to a Create Persistant effect with Effect - Effect - Expire set to a Create Unit effect with Unit - Spawn Count set to 4.
You want the missile unit for your Launch missile effect to have a unit actor with the Karass Missile model and a model type actor with the events Effect.(yourpersistancteffect).Initial>Create and maybe Effect.(yourpersistancteffect).Expire>Destroy with the ProtossSummoning model.
Set the Effect - Period Durations for the persistant effect to however many seconds you want and Effect - Period Count to 1 and the created unit type to whatever zealots you want.
This custom skill supossely will be like this: Caster Launch Karass Missile and when hit the ground appears the model "ProtossSummoning" and some seconds later appear 4 zealots. Its a chanelled ability. Can some1 help doing this?
The channeling time is set under the ability, use an Effect - Target ability, use the battlecruiser yamato gun as a guide for what fields you might want to change under cooldown, stats and UI. For the effects you want a Launch Missile effect with Effect - Impact Effect linked to a Create Persistant effect with Effect - Effect - Expire set to a Create Unit effect with Unit - Spawn Count set to 4.
You want the missile unit for your Launch missile effect to have a unit actor with the Karass Missile model and a model type actor with the events Effect.(yourpersistancteffect).Initial>Create and maybe Effect.(yourpersistancteffect).Expire>Destroy with the ProtossSummoning model.
Set the Effect - Period Durations for the persistant effect to however many seconds you want and Effect - Period Count to 1 and the created unit type to whatever zealots you want.
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