I am kind of new on this forum and i was wondering if you could help me.
I was wondering how to increase the level cap to 50. It is 30 atm, i tried adding 20 levels on the behaviors named ''levels'' and changing the ''gainxp'' trigger to: Probe level < 50 instead of probe level < 30
There are like 5 tutorials about heroes and leveling, and they're all very easy to follow. I won't answer your question, because I'd rather teach you to fish.
here's the trigger for the GainXP. I think it's the only trigger that could affect the level cap/xp gain problem.
Variable - Set XP = (Round((((Triggering unit) Bounty (XP) (Current)) * XPScale)))
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
XP >= 1.0
(probe Level (Current)) < 50.0Saved ==trueThenUnit-SetprobeExperienceto((probeExperience(Current))+XP)
I am kind of new on this forum and i was wondering if you could help me. I was wondering how to increase the level cap to 50. It is 30 atm, i tried adding 20 levels on the behaviors named ''levels'' and changing the ''gainxp'' trigger to: Probe level < 50 instead of probe level < 30
I really don't know what i did wrong ..
a public version of MineralZ can be found here: http://www.winvakers.com/sc2/Minerals.SC2Map
@billimaster23: Go
There are like 5 tutorials about heroes and leveling, and they're all very easy to follow. I won't answer your question, because I'd rather teach you to fish.
i did exactly what is on the tutorial, which of course i already knew. i even deleted the whole behaviors and re-did it entirely.
I was wondering if there is a Level cap or something i was not aware of.
just don't reply next time then, i would prefer that actually.
@billimaster23: Go
It is mostly likely a trigger problem, make sure you changed all the variables as well.
here's the trigger for the GainXP. I think it's the only trigger that could affect the level cap/xp gain problem.