Recently, I want to read some official campaign maps source code (especially for built-in library source code, eg: Campaign (Swarm) ).
I found there are a lot of Debug Triggers/Functions in this library, eg: Campaign (Swarm) / Story Debug / Footage Recoding / ZS_FootageRecording, so I want to use them to help me understand code.
But these triggers usually have a Condition : "Development cheats are enabled"
This means if GameCheatsEnabled return false, the trigger is useless.
My question is when GameCheatsEnabled(c_gameCheatCategoryDevelopment) return true? or How to switch to Develop Cheat Mode? I have called GameCheatAllow(c_gameCheatAny, true), but GameCheatsEnabled(c_gameCheatCategoryDevelopment) still return false. It seems to need some develop cheatCode or launch parameters. Very thanks
Recently I start learning about the use of token in sc2 data editor.
For instance:
I create 2 CUnit entries, MyUnitTemplate and MyUnit:
MyUnitTemplate is abstract template, which has two token parameters (fac and ab) .
MyUnit inhert from MyUnitTemplate, which use two tokens arguments (fac="340.000000" ab="attack").
My question is:
After save the the map, the warning occur:
[11/8/2017 5:19:33 PM] Warning: XML: C:\xxxxx\GameData\UnitData.xml(9,9) : Unable to write value: ##fac##; reason: Core: invalid object type identification Source: E:\xxxx\testCatalog.SC2Map\ Entry: MyUnitTemplate Scope: CUnit Field: Facing
Just as you can see, the token "ab" works well, but "fac" can't...
Why I can't use fac as token in CUnit.Facing?
Very thanks.
I use TriggerDebugOutput to log message.
But when TriggerDebug.txt reached 2MB, it fails:
How to fix this issue?
Hi all,
I found that there is a DebugTrace Field in GameData (Abil/Effect/Behavior...).
How to use this Field?
Can we use this field to keep track of Abil/Effect/Behavior's execution?
Very thanks.
In reply to Forge_User_04585675:
In reply to Quntum:
In reply to Quntum:
In reply to Forge_User_04585675:
In reply to Forge_User_04585675:
TriggerAddEventChatMessage(c_playerAny, "a", true)
Local Variables
UIDisplayMessage((PlayerGroupAll()), c_messageAreaSubtitle, (ConvertBooleanToText((GameCheatsEnabled(c_gameCheatCategoryPublic)))))
UIDisplayMessage((PlayerGroupAll()), c_messageAreaSubtitle, (ConvertBooleanToText((GameCheatsEnabled(c_gameCheatCategoryDevelopment)))))
Recently, I want to read some official campaign maps source code (especially for built-in library source code, eg: Campaign (Swarm) ).
I found there are a lot of Debug Triggers/Functions in this library, eg: Campaign (Swarm) / Story Debug / Footage Recoding / ZS_FootageRecording, so I want to use them to help me understand code.
But these triggers usually have a Condition : "Development cheats are enabled"
Galaxy Code is :
This means if GameCheatsEnabled return false, the trigger is useless.
My question is when GameCheatsEnabled(c_gameCheatCategoryDevelopment) return true? or How to switch to Develop Cheat Mode?
I have called GameCheatAllow(c_gameCheatAny, true), but GameCheatsEnabled(c_gameCheatCategoryDevelopment) still return false.
It seems to need some develop cheatCode or launch parameters.
Very thanks