ZigZag TD
Zig-Zag Tower Defense
A multi-player tower defense map over a zig zag path. You have 20 lives and each time an enemy reaches the end you lose one. Lose them all and it's game over.
- Supports up to 4 players (multi-player not yet tested)
- 20 levels of enemies including 2 boss levels.
- 8 towers. 11 upgraded towers. 10 research upgrades.
- 2 difficulty levels (Normal and Hard)
- Enemy kills gain you resources to build more towers. In multi-player everyone gains resources from killing so it doesn't matter who kills them.
- Missile Tower. Standard tower with very minor splash damage. Bonus damage to shields. Can be upgraded into EMP Missile Towers which only damage shields.
- Crystal Laser Tower. Does significantly more damage after focusing on a target for 3 or more seconds. Has bonus damage against massive units
- Dragon Tower. Flame splash damage tower. Does bonus damage to Light units.
- Scorpion Tower. Single target high damage but very short range. Bonus damage to biological units.
- Support Tower. Detects cloaked units and can be upgraded to towers which buff your other towers.
- Interceptor Tower. Launches 5 interceptors which do bonus damage to mechanical units. Very long range.
- Nuke Tower. Large area affect tower with huge damage. Needs to be manually fired, has a cooldown and needs energy.
- Temporal Tower. Slows enemies in a radius around itself.
Feedback wanted! Made lots of changes this version. Will go to version 1.0 soon once this version is balanced.
Big thanks for sc2mapster and all the players here who have tested my map and given feedback!
Features being worked on
- More buff towers and cool effects.
- Always trying to balance the towers and make it challenging.
It does scale based on number of players but it is untested because I haven't tried the hack to use it on battle.net. I will change the scaling factor in the next update to see if that helps. I also plan to add some extra spawns when playing with 3-4 players that will appear from the extra entrances at the bottom.
Hi, I've tested this in multiplayer with two of my acquaintances. They beat it easily without me doing anything (I built my towers behind theirs). Does it scale based on the number of players?
Thanks for the feedback. Latest version should fix the things you mention and have tried to balance the towers better. Working on 10 more levels and some new towers and upgrades next. Looking forward to when we can try these properly on battle.net =)
makes fun to play found a bug: when winning the game (killing the fattank) the game never finish, it did when i do not kill the fat tank
anyway since this is only beta, i give some feedback: i won the game with sunken/pylon upgrate, but could not win with turret range upgrate (its kind of underpowered, or more like the turret second level upgrate does not match with it, would work out better when damge and splash range would rise with the turret second level upgrate) gernerally the second level upgrate of the defence strukture is not worth it (pylon lvl 2 = 175, but two pylon lvl 1 are better and cost only 150) and in case of turret lvl2 it does not match good with the special upgrate for all turrets you can get at nexus (as suggested above, a slitly damage+splashrange increase would do better)
like this map alot, looking forword to play it online with people once it done :-) good work @ creater