Map (If one could even call it Alpha.)
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Melee Test Map with new units and structures.
Zerg- All burrowed ground units have Tremorsense. Tremorsense is a radar-style detection that is used in lieu of burrowed vision. The only exceptions are Lurkers and Infestors, both of which require vision to use their abilities from underground.
New and Old units: (Suggestions for those unfamiliar with them as well.)
Lurker- Morph from Hydralisks, they attack with a line of spikes from underground. They have no attack on the surface, but move rather quickly. Though they can be used to decimate mineral piles, there are best used as an infantry defense within your base.
Guardian- Morphs from mutalisks. A long range air unit ideal for cracking base defenses and providing air to ground damage. They are nowhere near the horrors they once were in the damage category, but now boast a reasonable move speed and armor to make them more akin to a corrupter vs. ground.
Devourer- Morphs from mutalisks. A capital ship type of unit with an AoE attack that slows the attack speed of it's victims. In time I would like to give them a Devour ability like kodo beasts from WCIII for a little more flavor. Devour will not be usable against massive units however.
Scourge- Flying Banelings that hatch in pairs. Very low health, very high damage against air.
Brutalisk- Morph from roaches. Huge, slow unit with high melee damage against ground targets and solid anti-air capability. Very high HP and double the standard zerg hp regen rate. Useful for base defense and catching lots of lead or plasma. Having trouble with them? Try run and gun.
Infestors fungal growth does no damage, just snares. Neural parasite can be used from underground. They no longer spit out Infested Terran eggs. Now they just Infest Terran buildings.
Terran- All campaign units accessible, except science vessel. It seemed moot with ravens. Still no Odin. Hercules takes 10-15 sec longer to build, but has nano-repair making it the flying repair bus. Predators are light units, not armored. Lots of units moved to require reactors instead of tech labs. Making reactor a better choice of add-on in some builds. Created Cruisers, bikes that load like little bunkers. When destroyed the units inside them are still able to fight just like when a bunker falls. Use hold position to run and gun with them, they have a nasty habit of trying to melee if ordered to attack. For the Firebat on the go! Sentry Guns can be built to reinforce base defenses in an aim to make a Terran Engineering Bay build strategy. Final goal is to make them all salvageable.
Protoss- Introduced the Vas'hali Protoss. A sect which reveres all worlds around them as a part of the khala. They shun the shield technology of their kin favoring psionic abilities.
Phantoms- Phase out of reality for a brief period when struck in battle. Do solid damage to both biological and psionic targets, leaving their kin a bit concerned over their loyalty.
Geomancers- Possess an aura that reduces movement speed of enemies. And a strong quake aoe spell that reduces the targets sight and speeds for a short time. (art for it still sucks. forgive me.)
Vas'hali Memorial- A large statue that heals allied biological units. Can be activated with minerals and gas to create a...
Revenant Archon- A powerful statue made animate by the infusion of slain protoss spirits into stone. Long abandoned by other Protoss as a barbaric and ghastly tradition, the Vas'hali have maintained this art as it has saved them time and again against their enemies. Smashes ground units into paste and boast huge armor.
Scarab- Suicide unit. Explodes like a Baneling. About all there is to it.
Support Bays now repair nearby mechanical units.
Mothership- You can build lots of them. They have no cloak, vortex, or recall. Only a planet cracker.
Give it a spin.
Nothing is balanced! Let me know what needs a nerf or buff. Some art is still broken: alerts, morphs, etc. Some things are cobbled together like the planet cracker and infest abilities. I should (and eventually will if it makes the final cut) replicate all the effects, actors, and such to make each unique, but to save time I have not reinvented the wheel at present. Instead I have used unused assets to produce the results I sought. Yay for parent values. IT burrow costing resources is on the list for the next release. Everything is open, read it and use it if you want. Or offer suggestions on how I can improve the map.